
mothers是什么意思 mothers的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2024-03-02 12:22:21作者:旧事酒浓



mothers是什么意思 mothers的中文翻译、读音、例句


- biological mothers 生母

- adoptive mothers 领养母亲

- single mothers 单身母亲

- working mothers 工作母亲

- stay-at-home mothers 在家母亲

- expectant mothers 孕妇

- young mothers 年轻的母亲




1. My mother always encourages me to do my best. 我妈妈总是鼓励我尽力而为。

2. She gave birth to three daughters and raised them all by herself. 她生了三个女儿,一个人把她们养大。

3. Working mothers often struggle to balance their jobs and family. 工作母亲常常努力平衡工作和家庭。

4. The young mother held her baby tightly in her arms. 年轻的母亲紧紧地抱着她的孩子。

5. The biological mother decided to give her child up for adoption. 生母决定把孩子送给领养家庭。

6. Expectant mothers are advised to eat a healthy diet and get regular exercise. 建议孕妇要饮食健康,定期锻炼。

7. Single mothers face unique challenges but also experience great joys in raising their children. 单身母亲面临着独特的挑战,但在抚养子女时也体验到巨大的快乐。




1. Mothers are the most important people in our lives. (母亲是我们生命中最重要的人。)

2. All the mothers gathered together to discuss their children's education. (所有的妈妈们聚在一起讨论他们孩子的教育。)

3. Mothers always worry about their children's safety. (母亲总是担心孩子的安全。)

4. She admired the devotion of mothers who worked hard to provide for their families. (她钦佩那些努力工作来为家庭提供支持的母亲们的奉献精神。)




例句:Now leave before your mothers see you. (在看到前离开这儿 Now leave before your mothers see you.)


例句:Mothers For A Safer America... (为了安全而持枪的母亲... Mothers For A Safer America...)


例句:A Diony and Mamalida the best mothers of all times. (A Diony and Mamalida the best mothers of all times.)


mothers一般作为名词使用,如在foster mothers(养母)、mothers of thyme(na. 【植】欧百里香\n[网络] 地香\n(mother of thyme 的复数))、mothers superior(女修道院院长)等常见短语中出现较多。

foster mothers养母
mothers of thymena. 【植】欧百里香\n[网络] 地香\n(mother of thyme 的复数)
mothers superior女修道院院长
mothers' meeting母姊会
mothers' pension母职津贴
queen mothers[网络] 女王母亲
refrigerator mothers[网络] 冰箱妈妈理论
single mothers[网络] 单身母亲;单亲妈妈;这个词好象很广
stage mothers[网络] 舞台母亲


1. A Diony and Mamalida the best mothers of all times. (翻译:A Diony and Mamalida the best mothers of all times.)

2. Yeah, their mothers are away. (翻译:是啊,妈妈不在 Yeah, their mothers are away.)

3. They usually execute the children in front of the mothers so that the mothers are forced to watch. (翻译:通常都会在母亲面前处死孩子 这样母亲就得看着)

4. Children are not their mothers, Emilia. William is not Carolyn. (翻译:小孩不是妈妈,威廉不是卡洛琳 Children are not their mothers, Emilia.)

5. Why cannot German mothers be allowed to express their emotions? (翻译:为什么不能允许德亲们表达她们的情绪呢?)

6. (If children live not for sires and mothers), 35. (翻译:如果孩子或者不是为了父母。)

7. That were widows and mothers sobbing in me. (翻译:还有妇和丧子母亲的泣诉, 在我心中回荡.)

8. Few cheetah mothers get this far with four cubs. (翻译:Few cheetah mothers get this far with four cubs. 很少有母猎豹 会离4只幼崽这么远)

9. It was through their own mothers. (翻译:皆是通过我们的母亲 {\fncalibri\fs14\i1\cH00FFff\bord4\shad0\be73}It was through their own mothers.)

10. They all have different mothers. (翻译:They all have different mothers.)

11. Mothers have gotten the message and the vast majority of mothers intend to breastfeed, but many do not reach their breastfeeding goals. (翻译:母亲能收到信号, 绝大部分的母亲打算母乳喂养, 但是很多人达不到她们母乳喂养的目标。)

12. Like all the other mothers? (翻译:078}{\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}Like all the other mothers? 她每天都写纸条 放在丽莎的午餐盒里 {\fs19.)

13. Do most kids so want to see their mothers? (翻译:你就那么想见妈妈啊 一般的小孩可是...)

14. For mothers like Araceli, the result was no surprise; (翻译:对于婀瑞思利这样的母亲,这样的结果并不令人惊讶。)

15. - Mothers wanna bury their loved ones. (翻译:母亲们想要安葬自己的亲人 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}Mothers want to bury their loved ones.)



