
dack是什么意思 英文名dack[达克]的翻译、发音、来源

更新时间:2024-03-02 08:22:20作者:初蝶

dack是什么意思 英文名dack[达克]的翻译、发音、来源

1. 含义:

dack是指 "Dark" 的简化,意为黑暗、昏暗,通常用来形容地方光线不足或者天色阴沉的情况。

2. 用法:

dack通常作为形容词,可能前面带有 "get" 或 "go" 等动词。dack也可以作为名词,特别是在澳大利亚和新西兰地区是常见的用法,常常用来表示一个比赛中球掷过了一个虚线或标记的得分区域。

3. 派生词:

dack可以派生出一些词组,比如 "dack attack"、"dacking" 等。其中 "dack attack" 这个词组可以用来表示在比赛中频繁地得分,比如一个球员在足球比赛中连续射门得分。


1. The room was dack and gloomy, with only a small window letting in a little light. (房间黑暗昏暗,只有一个小窗口透进一点光。)

2. She felt uneasy walking down the dack alley all by herself. (她一个人走在黑暗的小巷里,感到很不安。)

3. The weather was so dack and rainy that we decided to stay home and watch movies. (天气又黑又雨,我们决定呆在家里看电影。)

4. The football player dacked the opposing team's goal several times, leading his team to victory. (足球运动员多次攻破对方球门,带领他的队伍获胜。)

5. After running too fast, she tripped and fell, dacking her knee on the pavement. (她跑得太快,摔倒在地上,膝盖撞伤了。)


dack的读音为 /dk/。


1. The new furniture had a dack finish, which gave it a rustic look.(新家具呈现出未磨光的表面,这让它看起来有些乡村风格。)

2. He preferred the dack look of the antique table over the shiny, polished ones.(他更喜欢古董桌子的未磨光表面,而不是亮闪闪的拋光表面。)




例句:It is dack around. But I found a man tied lying on the floor. (四周都很黑,看见一个人被绳子捆着躺在地板上。)


例句:This play is adapted from a novel written by Dack. (这个剧本是根据达克写的一部小说改编的。)


例句:Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. But always pity brought me dack to earth. (爱和知识,只要有可能,通向天堂,但是怜悯总把我带回尘世。)


例句:Tradition has condensed bone and fashionable boneless wipers somewhat , double dack steel plates spring structure , all theoverburdentype pressurized piece design , pure natural rubber. (翻译:凝聚传统有骨与时尚无骨雨刷的优点,双层钢片弹簧结构,全覆式加压片设计,纯天然橡胶。)


1. Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. But always pity brought me dack to earth. (翻译:爱和知识,只要有可能,通向天堂,但是怜悯总把我带回尘世。)

2. Tradition has condensed bone and fashionable boneless wipers somewhat , double dack steel plates spring structure , all theoverburdentype pressurized piece design , pure natural rubber. (翻译:凝聚传统有骨与时尚无骨雨刷的优点,双层钢片弹簧结构,全覆式加压片设计,纯天然橡胶。)

