
feel safe是什么意思 feel safe的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2024-03-01 17:20:18作者:互撸娃

1. 词性和词义:'feel safe'是动词短语,意思是“感觉安全”。'Safe'是一个形容词,指的是没有危险或风险的,是安全和保护的。在口语中,还可以使用缩写词“FS”来代替。


feel safe是什么意思 feel safe的中文翻译、读音、例句

- I always feel safe when I'm with my family.

- He made sure the door was locked to feel safe at home.

- The new security measures at the airport make travelers feel safe.

- I don't feel safe walking alone in this neighborhood at night.

- After the earthquake, people were struggling to feel safe again.

2. 用法:'feel safe'通常用于描述人们的情感状态,表示他们感到安全或不安全。这种情感状态可以根据环境、情境、别人的行为等各种因素发生变化。


- She feels safe to share her thoughts and feelings with me.

- I don't feel safe driving in heavy traffic.

- After he lost his job, he didn't feel safe financially.

- The child felt safe holding his mother's hand.

- His anxiety makes him feel unsafe in social situations.

3. 同义词和反义词:'feel safe'的同义词包括“feel secure”和“feel protected”,反义词则是“feel threatened”或“feel insecure”。


- She feels secure living in a gated community.

- He feels protected knowing that his bodyguard is nearby.

- After being mugged, she started to feel threatened in public places.

- The boy's constant teasing made her feel insecure about her appearance.

- The company's layoff announcement made employees feel insecure.

4. 相关词汇:'feel safe'相关的词汇有:safety(安全)、security(保障)、protection(保护)、risk(风险)、danger(危险)等。


- The airline places a high priority on penger safety.

- The president's security detail ed him to the summit.

- The baby's helmet provided extra protection during the bike ride.

- Driving under the influence of alcohol is a serious risk.

- Swimming in the ocean during a storm is dangerous.

5. 常用搭配:'feel safe'的常用搭配包括:feel safe and secure(感到安全)、feel safe and sound(安然无恙)、feel safe at home(在家感到安全)、feel safe in one's own skin(自信自在)、feel safe to express oneself(自由表达)等。


- The child slept soundly, feeling safe and secure in his own bed.

- After being lost in the woods, the hikers were relieved to be safe and sound.

- She always feels safe at home with her family.

- After years of therapy, she finally feels safe in her own skin.

- In this supportive environment, the students feel safe to express themselves.


读音:fel sf


1. I always feel safe when I'm at home with my family. (当我和家人在家时,我总是感到安全。)

2. Having a security system in place makes me feel safe in my own home. (有一个安全系统使我感到在自己的家里安全。)

3. The police presence in the area made the residents feel safe. (该地区的存在使居民感到安全。)

4. Wearing a face mask can make people feel safe during the pandemic. (在大流行期间戴口罩可以让人们感到安全。)

5. Knowing how to defend yourself can help you feel safe in dangerous situations. (知道如何自卫可以帮助您在危险情况下感到安全。)

feel safe的意思是"弛然",其中文解释还有"笃定"的意思,发音音标为[fi:l seif],feel safe在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到11个与feel safe相关的例句。

Feel safe的中文翻译


例句:I just feel better with you safe and sound inside. (我只是觉得和你呆在屋里安全点 你一定被吓到了 I just feel better with you safe and sound inside.)


例句:♪ Do you feel what I feel inside? ♪ (~ Do you feel what I feel inside?)


feel safe一般作为名词使用,如在feel(①触摸②感觉 )、feel as if(觉得,仿佛)、feel at(用手摸摸看)等常见短语中出现较多。

feel as if觉得,仿佛
feel at用手摸摸看
feel for摸索, 同情
feel it[网络] 感受它;感觉它;感受到它
feel of摸着检查,摸摸…看
feel that[网络] 从句
feel this[网络] 摸一下
feel with同情,体谅


1. And that is that you want to make sure your children feel safe. (翻译:就是确保自己的孩子有安全感 And that is that you want to make sure your children feel safe.)

2. And I'm sure you feel safer here. Yes, I feel safe. (翻译:―我肯定你在这会感到更加安全 ―是的,爸爸,我感到很安全)

3. Not even food courts are safe (翻译:Not even food courts are safe)

4. And I know that people like you tend to feel safe (翻译:像你这样的人觉得不会 and I know that people like you tend to feel safe)

5. If it's a common order, why would it be in the safe box? (翻译:why would it be in the safe box?)

6. Ma'am, are you someplace safe? (翻译:are you someplace safe?)

7. Even if there is a criminal, he'd feel safe and do nothing. (翻译:即使真有凶手 他也会因为感到安全而收手的)

8. Because your partner will not feel safe, and then-- (翻译:因为你的伴侣 也不会感到安全, 然后 -)

9. Of course it doesn't feel safe. (翻译:当然让你感觉不安全了,今晚你鼓足了勇气来到这里)

10. We gotta make him feel safe. (翻译:We gotta make him feel safe.)

11. Rick, we want you to be safe. (翻译:we want you to be safe.)

12. I make them feel confident, and they make me feel safe... and pretty. (翻译:我让他们获得自信 而他们给我安全感... 还有美丽)

13. A good hundred feet below ground, but they feel safe. (翻译:...在地下的200英尺 A good hundred feet below ground, 不过他们在那会很安全 but they feel safe.)

14. And it's in here in this magical safe place that you feel ready. (翻译:它在这里... 安全的地方,在这片神奇... ,你觉得准备好了。)

15. He will be safe with the girl. (翻译:He will be safe with the girl.)

