
招招用英语怎么说 招招的英语翻译

更新时间:2024-03-01 16:24:18作者:尐懒猫お

招招英语可以这样说: Close the mouths,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到71个与招招相关短语释义和例句。

招招用英语怎么说 招招的英语翻译

Admission type moves ( 招招式式 )

Crazy Couple Assume Formlessness Stop wting so much code ( 无招胜有招 )

Admission & Recruitment Service R&S Recruiting ( 招生招聘 )

Medicine and Health Care ( 明星护肤招招领鲜 )

1. Raising the body! Horse replacing bird!

2. ♪ and mine are long and sharp, My Lord ♪

3. Enllment enllment must rely on the stren of one ' s legs

4. 'Wave to Mummy. There's a good boy. '

5. Bill Susan doesn't follow chicks aund ry time they snap their fingers like a pathetic chick-follower.

译文:Bill Susan不会在 每次小妞招招手 就像可怜跟屁虫般 围着她团团转。

6. in other words, if you can kind of wave yo arms aund, and you can get to where you're going, then there's really no point in learning another language anyway.

译文:换句话说,如果你能稍微招招手, 你就能到达任何你想去地方。所以真没有意义去学一门外语。

7. Hey rybody, rybody wave.

8. This one is awful, Mandy having an exotic dance with the .

9. it's wng to say "i come fm a jar", you should say "i come fm afar".

10. if you need anything, or want me to come over, just wave.

11. Movements can be adapted in multiple ways, such as leg movements in a form of wrestling, and they all work

12. Adam,could you wave or something?

13. i am like a fat ballena who takes scalps and slits thats.

14. i will wave to say goodbye and be taken by the wind

15. Everybody wave to Penelope and take a bow, alght?

