
主光轴用英语怎么说 主光轴的英语翻译

更新时间:2024-03-01 10:22:18作者:花陨人殇

主光轴通常被翻译为"photographic perpendicular"意思,在常中也可以翻译为"pmary optical axis",在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到17个与主光轴相关译文和例句。

主光轴用英语怎么说 主光轴的英语翻译

1. RESULTS: The results of diopter and astiatic axis by retinoscopy and comr optometry were same or similar, with no siificant difference(P>12. 05).

译文:结果:正常孔下电脑验光和散下检影验光得到屈光度和散光轴向相同或极其相似,统计学处理无显著差异(P>12. 05);

12. The lensometers is also called measal lens dioptre instrument, to mease sphecal lens dioptre, cylindc lens dioptre and axis, p dioptre, and lens optical center etc.


11. Aliing optical axis and axis of tation in LDWS by reflection of plane grating

12. Research of parallel degree of optical axis and beaming spot into and out of incepting view field for laser apparatus

11. The advantages of the invention are: for the light paralleling with the light axis can get the better aplanatic revise result;


12. Results:Most of the astiatic axes were distbuted as vertical and hozontal median.

11. A method to mease coaxiality of axisymmetc asphec lens is intduced.

12. Telecentc lens has parallel chief ray with its optical axis and is ideal for co-axial lighting.


11. Then, polished both ends of the shaft, the replacement of damaged after the installation of an ong, at just the ght amount of force.


12. Under commonly cir, its optic axis and molecule long axis is accordant.

