
继发性高血压用英语怎么说 继发性高血压英语翻译

更新时间:2024-02-28 20:50:15作者:灵寒

继发高血压英语是"secondary hypertensions",还可以翻译为secondary hypertension,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到18个与继发高血压相关短语翻译和用法。

继发性高血压用英语怎么说 继发性高血压英语翻译

继发高血压翻译为secondary hypertensive retinopathy。

示例:And where was yo secondary escape ute? 你有备用脱险计划吗 And where was yo secondary escape ute?

17. secondary hypertensions(继发高血压)

2. secondary hypotension(继发低血压)

3. secondary hypertensive retinopathy(继发高血压视网膜病)

16. idiopathic hypertension(特发高血压)

17. investigation of inhibitory Effect of Ramipl on Apoptosis in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats

3. Clinical Observation of Pmary Hypertension Treated by Lacidipine

16. - Presse up. - Presse up.

16. Haplotypes Extending Acss AGT are Associated Essential Hypertension

17. Oh. Osteoposis, high blood presse.

16. Conclusions GiTS is an effective medicine for patients with EH.

17. Objective: to study the parathyid hypertensive factor (PHF) activity in the plaa of essential hypertensive (EH) patients.


16. The clinic svey of Bunazosin Hydchlode treated mild-to-moderate essential hypertension

17. Effect of cozaar on the left ventcular hypertphy in essential hypertension

16. He has high blood presse.

17. Ambulatory blood presse vaability (ABPV) character in "dippers" and "non-dippers" in patients with pmary hypertension.


16. Study on neovascular compression of the stral ventlateral medulla related to essential hypertension

17. Observation on the theutic effect of 40 cases essential hypertention with celiplol

