
memorise是什么意思 memorise的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2024-02-28 16:38:15作者:女霸

memorise是什么意思 memorise的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词性:动词

2. 词源:源自拉丁语的“memor”, 意为 “记忆”

3. 拼写:memorize (美式英语), memorise (英式英语)

4. 用法:memorize可用于主动语态和被动语态,常与介词"by"搭配使用,表示通过记忆学习;memorise主要用于英式英语中。


1. I need to memorize this poem by Friday. (我需要在周五之前背下这首诗。)

2. She can easily memorize a list of 20 words. (她能轻易地背下20个单词的清单。)

3. You should memorize your PIN number for your bank card. (你应该记住你的的PIN号码。)

4. He has memorised all the capitals of the world. (他牢记了所有国家的首都。)

5. The students are memorizing Shakespeare's sonnets for the upcoming competition. (学生们正在为即将举行的比赛背诵莎士比亚的十四行诗。)





1. She used to memorise poems and recite them at school competitions.(她曾经熟记过许多诗歌,并在学校的比赛中背诵。)

2. In order to improve his language skills, he decided to memorise 10 new words every day.(为了提升语言能力,他决定每天记忆10个新单词。)

3. The students were asked to memorise the periodic table for their upcoming chemistry exam.(学生们被要求为即将到来的化学考试记忆元素周期表。)




例句:Take a map and memorise your post and sectors. (紧记自己的组别和岗位 这星期的当更时间是八点至四点)


例句:He only had to memorise the book and he failed! (这也是背的东西嘛! {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}He only had to memorise the book... 那表示说,他没有全力应付 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}...)


例句:Through writing, we memorise the characters. Reading and writing are more closely connected in Chinese. (我们在写的过程中就可以记住那些字。在中文里读和写是息息相关的。)


例句:I know I'm supposed to memorise it, but I forget. (翻译, 可是就是记不住了.)


1. Through writing, we memorise the characters. Reading and writing are more closely connected in Chinese. (翻译:我们在写的过程中就可以记住那些字。在中文里读和写是息息相关的。)

2. I know I'm supposed to memorise it, but I forget. (翻译, 可是就是记不住了.)

3. He had three months to the day of the trial in which to memorise them. (翻译:ﻡﻮﻳ ﻞﺒﻗ ﺭﻮﻬﺷ ﺔﺛﻼﺛ ﻪﻳﺪﻟ ﻥﺎﻛ ﺍﺪﻴﺟ ﻢﻫﺮﻬﻈﺘﺴﻳ ﻲﻜﻟ ﺔﻤﻛﺎﺤﻤﻟﺍ.)

4. Read as much as you can and speak as often as possible. Do not just memorise spellings and grammar rules. (翻译:应尽量多读、多说,而不要仅仅死记硬背单词拼写和语法规则。)

5. An excellent oral tradition - something that we have lost. e. g. the ability to memorise all the Psalms as an on-line hymnary. (翻译:绝佳口述传统-此能力我们已丧失。比如把诗篇记下如同网络上的赞美诗)

6. If I say sooth, I must report they were as cannons overcharged with double cracks, whether they meant to bathe in reeking wounds or memorise another Golgotha, I cannot tell. (翻译:你们叫什么名字? 可怜的汤姆,他吃的是泅水的青蛙、 、蝌蚪、壁虎和水蜥;)

7. Through writing, we memorise the characters. (翻译:我们在写的过程中就可以记住那些字。)

8. This is especially useful if you are trying to memorise Physics formulas or language vocabulary. (翻译:这在你试图记住物理公式或者语言词汇时是特别有用的。)

9. The time fly up the cloud in the sky, All turn into the information for memorise to Antonio. (翻译:那些飞跃在浮云之上的时光,它们幻化成思念安东尼奥的讯息。)

10. Many sttudies reveal that eating breakfast helps people memorise and concentrate. (翻译:许多科学家表示,吃早餐有助于人们记忆和集中注意力。)

11. On top of trying to multi-task, we are also being bombarded with a constant avalanche of new information to digest and memorise. (翻译:除了“一心多用”以外,我们也被铺天盖地的新信息轰炸和淹没。那么多的新信息需要我们去消化和记忆。)

12. Memorise your Taylor series and a couple of variants of the prisoner's dilemma, and you'll be fine. (翻译:记住您的泰勒级数和囚徒困境的几个变型,您会好起来的。)

13. Do not split words. Rather than memorise complex rules for splitting words, do not split them. (翻译:不要拆分单词。与其去记拆分单词的复杂规则,不如干脆不拆分。)

14. Read, memorise and you need never think again. (翻译:读完、记住,然后你就再也不需要自己思考了。)



