
peloton是什么意思 peloton的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2024-02-28 14:02:15作者:蜡笔小猪

1. 定义


peloton是什么意思 peloton的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. 起源


3. 使用场合


4. 调查



1. The peloton was closely packed as they rounded the final bend.


2. The peloton broke apart as they hit the steepest part of the climb.


3. I love taking my peloton cles in the morning to start my day off right.


4. Peloton is a popular fitness company that offers high-quality bikes and fitness cles.


5. The peloton of runners made their way through the crowded city streets, pacing themselves for the long race ahead.



1. Le peloton est en train de remonter le coureur chapp. (车队正在追赶逃脱的选手。)

2. Les coureurs roulent l'avant du peloton pour tenter de s'chapper. (车手们在车队前面骑行,试图逃脱。)

3. Le peloton a franchi la ligne d'arrive en moins de trois heures. (车队在不到三个小时内穿过了终点线。)

4. Le vainqueur de l'tape a t slectionn dans le peloton. (这个阶段的胜者是从车队中选择出来的。)

5. Le peloton traverse une zone vallonne. (车队通过一个起伏不平的区域。)

6. Les coureurs se regroupent dans le peloton pour conomiser leur nergie. (车手们在车队中聚集起来,节省他们的能量。)

7. Le peloton est trs compact sur cette tape. (这个阶段的车队非常紧凑。)

8. Le peloton a subi une chute mive cause d'un accident. (由于一次事故,车队大规模跌落。)

9. Les quipes de coureurs travaillent ensemble pour maintenir leur position dans le peloton. (车手团队一起努力,以保持在车队中的位置。)





1. The peloton is a key element of cycling races.


2. During the race, the peloton remained tightly packed.


3. The peloton was led by the yellow jersey.


peloton的意思是"亦作、主要赛场",其中文解释还有"主车群"的意思,发音音标为[pel:'t:n, pel't:n],peloton来源于英语,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到17个与peloton相关的例句。



例句:The peloton rides during the fifth stage from Novara to Novi Ligure May 13. (在第五阶段,从诺瓦拉诺维利古雷xx月xx日乘坐的菌丝结。)


例句:The French still turned out to cheer the peloton in July. America’s ballparks are full. (法国依旧在xx月欢庆自行车大集行,美国的棒球场仍然座无虚席。)


例句:The peloton travels through a rural French landscape along stage 12 of the Tour DE France on July 16, 2010 in Mende, France. (该珀洛东穿过一阶段的农村沿环法自行车赛于xx月xx日法国景观xx日在芒德,法国xx年。)


例句:The peloton covers stage four July 7 in Reims, France. (翻译:包括四个阶段的珀莱东xx月在兰斯,法国7。)


peloton一般作为名词使用,如在peloton gl(=peloton)等常见短语中出现较多。

peloton gl=peloton


1. The peloton travels through a rural French landscape along stage 12 of the Tour DE France on July 16, 2010 in Mende, France. (翻译:该珀洛东穿过一阶段的农村沿环法自行车赛于xx月xx日法国景观xx日在芒德,法国xx年。)

2. The peloton covers stage four July 7 in Reims, France. (翻译:包括四个阶段的珀莱东xx月在兰斯,法国7。)

3. The peloton covers stage four July 7 in Reims, France. (翻译:包括四个阶段的珀莱东xx月在兰斯,法国7。)

4. The peloton rides past corn fields during stage 12 of the 2009 Tour de France from Tonnerre to Vittel on July 16, 2009 in Vittel, France. (翻译:过去的珀莱东骑在玉米田阶段的xx年环法自行车赛12霹雳年xx月xx日至维泰勒在维泰勒,法国。)

5. The peloton -- the main group of cyclists in a race -- rides along in stage six of the Tour de France in Gueugnon, France, on July 9. (翻译:赛车队 - xx月xx日,比赛中主要的一群自行车车手,骑行在环法第六赛格尼翁的路上。)

6. The peloton sprint towards the finish line on stage four of the 2010 Tour de France from Cambrai to Reims on July 7, 2010 in Reims, France. (翻译:从康布雷迈向舞台上对xx年环法自行车赛4终点线xx月xx日到xx年的兰斯在Reims,法国珀洛东冲刺。)



