
dancing是什么意思 dancing的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2024-02-27 14:16:14作者:亡徒

1. 词性、词义:'dancing'是一个动词,表示跳舞、舞蹈;也可以作为名词,表示跳舞的活动或者艺术形式。


dancing是什么意思 dancing的中文翻译、读音、例句

- We are dancing at the party tonight.(我们今晚会在聚会上跳舞。)

- She loves dancing and has been taking ballet lessons since she was six.(她喜欢跳舞,从xx岁开始就一直在学芭蕾舞。)

2. 发音、拼写:'dancing'的发音是/dns/,拼写为d-a-n-c-i-n-g。


- They were dancing to the music of the band.(他们跟着乐队的音乐跳舞。)

- Dancing can be a fun way to exercise.(跳舞是锻炼身体的有趣方式。)

3. 活动、场合:'dancing'常常出现在派对、婚礼、舞会等场合中,是社交活动中的一种方式。


- The bride and groom shared their first dance as a married couple.(新娘和新郎成为夫妻后第一次共舞。)

- The club is known for its energetic dancing and lively atmosphere.(这个俱乐部以其充满活力的舞蹈和热闹的氛围而闻名。)

4. 与文化、艺术相关:'dancing'是一种文化和艺术形式,涉及各种风格和类型,如芭蕾舞、爵士舞、民间舞等。


- She performed a beautiful dance solo at the ballet recital.(她在芭蕾舞演出中表演了一段美丽的独舞。)

- The traditional dance of the Maori people is a powerful expression of their culture.(毛利人的传统舞蹈是他们文化的有力表现。)




1. She loves dancing to hip-hop music. (她喜欢跳嘻哈舞)

2. They are practicing for the upcoming dancing competition. (他们正在为即将到来的舞蹈比赛进行练习)

3. The little girl's dancing is so adorable. (那个小女孩的舞蹈太可爱了)

4. The wedding reception featured a lot of dancing. (婚宴上有很多舞蹈表演)

5. He has been dancing professionally for several years. (他已经从事专业舞蹈多年了)

6. I always feel happy when I am dancing. (我跳舞的时候总是感到开心)

7. The ballet company's latest production includes some breathtaking dancing. (芭蕾舞团最新的作品中包含一些令人惊叹的舞蹈)

8. They were all dancing in the rain. (他们都在雨中跳舞)

9. The school dance featured a variety of different styles of dancing. (学校舞会上有各种不同风格的舞蹈表演)


1. 她喜欢跳嘻哈舞

2. 他们正在为即将到来的舞蹈比赛进行练习

3. 那个小女孩的舞蹈太可爱了

4. 婚宴上有很多舞蹈表演

5. 他已经从事专业舞蹈多年了

6. 我跳舞的时候总是感到开心

7. 芭蕾舞团最新的作品中包含一些令人惊叹的舞蹈

8. 他们都在雨中跳舞

9. 学校舞会上有各种不同风格的舞蹈表演



1. She loves dancing and takes ballet lessons every week.(她热爱跳舞,每周都会参加芭蕾舞课程。)

2. The party was great fun with lots of singing and dancing.(派对非常开心,有很多唱歌跳舞的活动。)

3. He was so graceful on the dance floor, it was like he was born to be dancing.(他在舞池上非常优雅,就像他生来就是为了跳舞一样。)

4. The couple looked so happy dancing together at their wedding.(新人在婚礼上跳舞时看起来非常幸福。)




例句:Dancing the Macarena with Donald Trump? (跳舞的Macarena 与唐纳德?)


例句:Dancing or ballroom dancing in particular, used to be very popular among universities. (跳舞,跳交谊舞,原本在大学中是很流行的。)


例句:Nah, if I want to see a naked dancing man, (不用 如果我要看跳舞裸男 Nah, if I want to see a naked dancing man,)


例句:Tap dancing as fast as I can. (翻译:累得我两脚不着地了 Tap dancing as fast as I can.)


dancing一般作为名词、动词使用,如在dirty dancing(热舞,贴身舞)、disco dancing(蹦迪)、folk dancing(民间舞)等常见短语中出现较多。

dirty dancing热舞,贴身舞
disco dancing蹦迪
folk dancing民间舞
formation dancing集体舞(由数对参与者组成, 常为比赛)
go dancing[网络] 去跳舞;去跳舞吧
grave dancing[网络] 严重跳舞
gypsy dancing[网络] 吉普赛舞蹈
Hawaiian dancing[网络] 夏威夷舞蹈
horizontal dancing[网络] 水平舞蹈


1. Nah, if I want to see a naked dancing man, (翻译:不用 如果我要看跳舞裸男 Nah, if I want to see a naked dancing man,)

2. Tap dancing as fast as I can. (翻译:累得我两脚不着地了 Tap dancing as fast as I can.)

3. "As for me, my heart is dancing. (翻译:而对我来说 我的心在跳舞 As for me, my heart is dancing.)

4. ♪ Dancing all night, having a blast (翻译:# Dancing all night, having a blast)

5. Bees talk to each other by dancing. (翻译:蜜蜂用跳舞的方式相互沟通 Bees talk to each other by dancing.)

6. Dancing on the water to her own kind of beat (翻译:Dancing on the water to her own kind of beat 上演水上漂的功夫)

7. ♪ From dancing to the tune of... ♪ (翻译:* From dancing to the tune of... *)

8. A dove is dancing like the spring flower. A dove is dancing like the spring flower. (翻译:A dove is dancing like the spring flower.)

9. After 9:00, I will be there, dancing on river. (翻译:九点后 我会去河边那舞会 After 9: 00, I will be there, dancing on river.)

10. Big thrills, dancing girls, (翻译:惊险的表演 热郎 Big thrills, dancing girls,)

11. ♪ came dancing' to my door ♪ (翻译:♪ She said, come on, baby ♪)

12. A dove is dancing like the spring flower. (翻译:A dove is dancing like the spring flower.)

13. - Is there a law against a dancing lawyer? (翻译:- 有法律禁止当个跳舞的律师吗? - 没有 但是...)

14. Did you have a nice visit with your son? (翻译:- 你记得! And tell him from me to keep on dancing.)

15. See that girl, watch that scene, dig in the dancing queen (翻译:See that girl, watch that scene,dig in the dancing queen)

