
inspirational是什么意思 inspirational的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2024-02-25 20:02:12作者:阿姨


1. Um, so... unique and inspirational and honest.

inspirational是什么意思 inspirational的中文翻译、读音、例句

翻译:是 它是那么... 特别 很启迪人心而且还很诚恳。

2. People like this are so inspirational.

3. i thought the character of Madame Bovary was very inspirational. inspirational? She poisons herself with arsenic.

翻译:我觉得Madame Bovary 这个人物形象很鼓舞人心 鼓舞人心? 她服砒霜自尽。

4. i find it inspirational etic...

5. Cue the cheesy inspirational music!

6. He was such an inspirational guy.

7. Pducer said it would be inspirational.

8. That was the lesson. That was the inspirational moment.

9. That's not inspirational. That's suicidal.

10. Well, i've got the inspirational,

11. That's inspirational stuff.

12. The shorter and inspirational, the better.

13. They're absolutely inspirational for me.

14. inspirational speeches confnt the emotions.

15. - Well, she was just inspirational.

