
tulsa是什么意思 tulsa的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2024-02-21 21:30:04作者:浅ぴ朵儿


tulsa是什么意思 tulsa的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词汇

Tulsa作为地名,是一个专有名词,表示俄克拉荷马州的一个城市。Tulsa还有一个缩写词TUL,可以表示该城市的机场,即Tulsa International Airport。这种类似缩写词的形式,在英语中比较常见,另外还有像LAX (Los Angeles International Airport)、JFK (John F. Kennedy International Airport)等。

2. 发音


3. 地理位置和人文历史


4. 使用场景


5. 例句

1. Tulsa is a city in Oklahoma.

2. We are planning a trip to Tulsa next month.

3. The Tulsa International Airport is very busy during the holiday season.

4. She attended the university in Tulsa and got her degree in business.

5. The Tulsa Historical Society preserves and shares the stories of the city's past.

1. Tulsa是俄克拉荷马州的一个城市。

2. 我们计划下个月去Tulsa旅游。

3. Tulsa国际机场在假期期间非常繁忙。

4. 她在Tulsa的大学就读,并在商业领域获得了学位。

5. Tulsa历史学会保留和分享城市过去的故事。



1. Tulsa is known for its vibrant art scene. (Tulsa以其充满活力的艺术场景而闻名。)

2. I am from Tulsa, Oklahoma.(我来自俄克拉荷马州的Tulsa。)

3. Tulsa is a great place to raise a family.(Tulsa是一个养育家庭的好地方。)

4. Have you ever been to Tulsa before?(你去过Tulsa吗?)

5. Tulsa is located in the northeastern part of Oklahoma.(Tulsa位于俄克拉荷马州的东北部。)

6. Tulsa has a rich history in the oil industry.(Tulsa在石油工业方面具有丰富的历史。)

7. The University of Tulsa is a prestigious institution.(Tulsa大学是一所声誉卓著的学府。)

8. I visited the Tulsa Botanic Garden last weekend.(上周末我参观了Tulsa植物园。)

9. Tulsa has a variety of delicious restaurants to choose from.(Tulsa有各种美味的餐厅可供选择。)





1. Tulsa is known for its art deco architecture and oil industry history. (图尔萨因其装饰艺术建筑和石油工业历史而闻名。)

2. I visited Tulsa last summer and was impressed by the beautiful parks and museums. (我去年夏天参观了图尔萨,被美丽的公园和博物馆所感动。)




例句:Of course. lf it gets dull, you can always go to Tulsa for the weekend. (当然了,如果无聊的话 周末的时候可以去塔尔萨州)


例句:A girl named Tulsa and was abandoned in Tulsa? (一个叫塔尔莎的女孩 正巧被遗弃在塔尔莎儿童保育中心?)


例句:There's a sweet old lady in tulsa (塔尔萨市有一个和蔼的老太太 觉得是猫王干的这件事)


例句:I just want people to understand that we have a great little company with a nice product, right here in the Tulsa area. (翻译:我希望有更多的人们来了解我们这个拥有精美产品的小公司,就在美国的塔尔萨市。)


tulsa一般作为名词使用,如在Tulsa County([地名] 塔尔萨县 ( 美 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Tulsa County[地名] 塔尔萨县 ( 美 )


1. There's a sweet old lady in tulsa (翻译:塔尔萨市有一个和蔼的老太太 觉得是猫王干的这件事)

2. I just want people to understand that we have a great little company with a nice product, right here in the Tulsa area. (翻译:我希望有更多的人们来了解我们这个拥有精美产品的小公司,就在美国的塔尔萨市。)

3. Consequently, somewhere in Tulsa, a man is worried that the cut on his foot is a flesh-eating virus. (翻译:例如,在塔尔萨有一个人担心他脚上伤口里有一种食肉病毒。)

4. Venamon says the company is staffed with excellent personnel from the Tulsa area and is continuing to see growth. (翻译:维那蒙先生说,公司的主要支柱是依赖于来自塔尔萨地区卓越的技术人才队伍,并且保持着持续发展的良好态势。)

5. My wife's been diagnosed with a touch of cancer, and she'll need to be driven down to Tulsa for her final chemotherapy treatments. (翻译:我老婆被诊断出癌症初期 她需要人带她去突沙市 做最后几次化疗)

6. Do you know the motorway to Tulsa? The airport road joins it. (翻译:你知道通往塔尔萨的公路吗?机场公路和它相连。)

7. - So coming down I heard on the radio, looks like the Jets are gonna grab that kid from Tulsa, that tight end. (翻译:-谢谢 我听到收音机广播 看来《机队》 要从陶沙队招募后卫)

8. I heard them boys in Tulsa took a real shine to you. All heart, ain't you? A year you took from me in that sweatbox. (翻译:有酒吧与美女相陪,我很好 在这荒漠之中,我也曾拥有)

9. Joined the Bureau last month to get access to a nuclear plant in Tulsa. (翻译:我上个月加入了联邦调查局 可以进入塔尔萨的核电站)

10. My dad worked at the refinery in West Tulsa and my mom was a waitress. (翻译:我爸爸在西塔尔萨的精炼厂工作 妈妈是服务员)

11. Tulsa's Dfest started out in 2002 as a competition for local bands. (翻译:塔尔萨市的“Dfest”作为一当地乐团竞争赛始于xx年。)

12. There are now 20 such programs in New York City, two in New Orleans, and one in Tulsa, Okla. (翻译:像这样的项目在纽约市有20个,在新奥尔良有2个,在俄克拉何马州的塔尔萨还有1个。)

13. Tulsa has seen its share of poverty and desperation over the years. (翻译:多年以来,塔尔萨市从来不缺少贫穷和绝望。)

14. SaltLake,... ...Denver, Omaha , Tulsa, Dallas , St. Louis, Kansas City. (翻译:...丹佛, 奥马哈 ,... ...图桑, 达拉斯 ,... ...圣斯, 堪萨斯城.)

15. H-his family owns this entire building and about half of Tulsa. (翻译:Hhis famiIy拥有 这整个建筑 塔尔萨的一半左右。)



