
material girl是什么意思 material girl的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2024-02-21 13:06:04作者:涼城″浅离

1. 词源:material girl的词源可以追溯至xx年代,这个词语的起源是由美国流行歌手麦当娜(Madonna)所演唱的歌曲《Material Girl》而来。这个词语最初的涵义是指一位重视物质财富的女性。

material girl是什么意思 material girl的中文翻译、读音、例句


- She's just a material girl – all she cares about is money.

- My sister is a bit of a material girl – she always wants the latest fashion and gadgets.

- Some women, like the character in the song "Material Girl," are known for their love of money and material possessions.

- Don't be a material girl – focus on the things that truly matter in life.

2. 词义:material girl一词的现代涵义已经扩大到涵盖了许多其他贪婪或狂热的特征。这个词现在也被广泛用来形容那些注重品牌、风格、尝试新鲜事物以及过度消费的人。


- She's a total material girl – she spends all her money on designer clothes.

- He's not interested in love or commitment – he's just a material boy.

- She's become a bit too much of a material girl – she needs to focus more on her relationships.

- Don't be such a material girl – learn to appreciate the simple things in life.

3. 媒体形象:material girl这个词语已经成为了一种媒体形象。许多流行文化作品,如电影、电视、音乐,以及时尚杂志经常使用这个词来形容那些注重物质财富和消费的人。


- The character in the film "Confessions of a Shopaholic" is a clic material girl.

- The magazine "Vogue" often features articles about material girls and their shopping habits.

- The TV show "Gossip Girl" depicts a group of wealthy material girls living in New York City.

- The Madonna song "Material Girl" continues to be an iconic representation of this type of woman.

4. 社会现象:material girl这个词语也代表了一种社会现象。随着消费主义和商业化的不断发展,许多人都变得越来越追求物质财富和名利。


- The rise of celebrity culture has created a generation of material girls and boys.

- The phenomenon of "bling culture" has led to many young people becoming material girls.

- Some argue that society encourages people to be material girls and boys, rather than focusing on more important things.

- The increasing gap between rich and r has led to many people becoming material girls in an effort to keep up with their wealthier peers.


- She's just a material girl – all she cares about is money.

- My sister is a bit of a material girl – she always wants the latest fashion and gadgets.

- Some women, like the character in the song "Material Girl," are known for their love of money and material possessions.

- Don't be a material girl – focus on the things that truly matter in life.

- She's a total material girl – she spends all her money on designer clothes.

- He's not interested in love or commitment – he's just a material boy.

- She's become a bit too much of a material girl – she needs to focus more on her relationships.

- The character in the film "Confessions of a Shopaholic" is a clic material girl.

- The magazine "Vogue" often features articles about material girls and their shopping habits.

- The TV show "Gossip Girl" depicts a group of wealthy material girls living in New York City.

- The Madonna song "Material Girl" continues to be an iconic representation of this type of woman.

- The rise of celebrity culture has created a generation of material girls and boys.

- The phenomenon of "bling culture" has led to many young people becoming material girls.

- Some argue that society encourages people to be material girls and boys, rather than focusing on more important things.

- The increasing gap between rich and r has led to many people becoming material girls in an effort to keep up with their wealthier peers.

'material girl'的意思是追求物质享受和财富的女人。


读音:[mtril rl]


1. She's such a material girl, always buying the latest designer clothes and accessories.


2. Don't be a material girl, focus on the things that really matter in life.


material girl通常被翻译为"拜金女"的意思,还有拜金女的意思,在线读音是[mtiril :l],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到73个与material girl相关的例句。

Material girl的词典翻译


例句:Which means an innocent girl. (- Which means a good girl)


material girl一般作为名词使用,如在girl(女孩 )、that girl([网络] 那个女孩;那个女孩永远属于我;那女孩)、dirty girl([网络] 下流女孩;脏女孩;风流女孩)等常见短语中出现较多。

that girl[网络] 那个女孩;那个女孩永远属于我;那女孩
dirty girl[网络] 下流女孩;脏女孩;风流女孩
dolly girl(不太聪明的)年轻漂亮女孩[亦作dolly,dolly bird]
Emo Girl情绪摇滚
errand girl供差遣的女童仆
extra girl临时女演员
factory girl[经] 女工
farm girl[网络] 农场智慧女孩;农家小囡;人形-农场女孩


1. But the new material is not inflammable, sir! (翻译:但新材料并不易燃,长官! But the new material is not inflammable, sir!)

2. So, what, are you gonna be a little girl? (翻译:are you gonna be a little girl?)

3. I have no doubt, Sergeant. Kaitlin is officer material all the way. (翻译:Kaitlin is officer material all the way.)

4. We had more offerings, but there was trouble. (翻译:but there was trouble. A girl.)

5. The atomic material used in a prototype rocket was stolen. (翻译:原型火箭中的原子材料被偷了 The atomic material used in a prototype rocket was stolen.)

6. Me and Sully, and a girl named Carol. (翻译:and a girl named Carol.)

7. I have no material form to contain. (翻译:也没有可以隔离的实体 I have no material form to contain.)

8. I pulled out my best material. (翻译:我都使出了杀手锏 I pulled out my best material.)

9. Feed, you hide a young girl (翻译:you hide a young girl)

10. I get girl after girl in here, and for what? (翻译:就算有成群的姑娘来过这 那又怎样? I get girl after girl in here, and for what?)

11. You think that this material universe is all there is? (翻译:你还以为物质宇宙就是一切 You think that this material universe is all there is?)

12. Go on and hide, Sunday girl (翻译:* Go on and hide Sunday girl *)

13. Sekou is under arrest for material support of terrorism. (翻译:塞古因支持被捕了 Sekou is under arrest for material support of terrorism.)

14. Now, experts claim if any of this neurotoxic material (翻译:专家声称 假如这些神经毒气 Now, experts claim if any of this neurotoxic material)

15. Tell me, does the perfect girl exist? (翻译:does the perfect girl exist?)

