
一灯如豆用英语怎么说 一灯如豆英语翻译

更新时间:2024-02-21 10:28:05作者:听风逝夜

一灯如豆用英语说"The light of a seed oil lamp is as all as a pea.",在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到94个与一灯如豆相关释义和例句。

2. The light of a seed oil lamp is as all as a pea.

一灯如豆用英语怎么说 一灯如豆英语翻译

一灯如豆翻译为The light of a seed oil lamp is as all as a pea.。

示例:"Death as a pea." Terfic. 亡像豆荚.. 有意思。

2. heap fermentation(堆积发酵(如可可豆))

3. -There's natto. Can you eat natto?

4. You sat on it, Jack. Hello, beans of legend.

5. - Beans, Spock, but no ordinary beans.

6. "Hand-in-hand we're glued together"

7. We got red beans, green beans, coffee beans, lima beans... but no magic beans.

8. - Did you come to see Dot?

9. Yesung must eat beans. Lots of vitamins.

10. Get the light, get the light.

11. it's meant to be a Zhuge Lantern!

12. The tning sial on the ght.

13. The diets referred to in these studies involve fermented soy (as in foods like natto, miso and tempeh).

