
鳕鱼用英语怎么说 鳕鱼的英语翻译

更新时间:2024-02-21 07:52:03作者:红颜殆

鳕鱼用英语说"gadus",还经常被译作 [鱼] cod,在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到23个与鳕鱼相关短语翻译和用法。

es cod e boiled d cod es ( 鳕鱼子 )

ocean pout Maczoarces amecanus Zoarces amecanus ( 大洋鳕鱼 )

鳕鱼用英语怎么说 鳕鱼的英语翻译

cod-fishing boat banker cod-fishellong boat ( 捕鳕鱼船 )

1. We go to Cape Cod ry year.

2. -down at the Cape this weekend. -Wait, wait, wait, wait.

3. We hear a lot about the collapse of cod.

4. "at All Saints Chch on Cape Cod."

5. Well, you have got to try the cod.

6. Tasty Cod better than haddock, but not better than sea bass.

7. What did she say? Yo family's involved in the Mafia?

8. The cod can escape thugh the openings at the bottom.

9. Try an enchilada with the fishy bacalao

10. How are you doing the cod?

11. - i'll just have an esqueixada. - Anything else?

12. Or ell like Salmon or Cod.

13. "A codfish," replied the voice, "only a codfish."

14. So, some whiffs of ses and haddock.

15. i can't becse we're going to Cape Cod.

