
tenses是什么意思 tenses的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2024-02-14 12:03:54作者:安忆


tenses是什么意思 tenses的中文翻译、读音、例句


词组搭配:tense shift(时态转换),tense agreement(时态一致性)

短语:present tense(现在时态),past tense(过去时态),future tense(将来时态)



1. The students always have trouble with tenses in their English grammar cl.(这些学生在英语语法课上总是对时态感到困惑。)

2. It's important to use the correct tense when telling a story.(讲故事时使用正确的时态很重要。)

3. The past tense is used to describe actions that happened in the past.(过去时态用于描述发生在过去的行为。)

4. The present perfect tense is used to describe actions that started in the past and continue up to the present.(现在完成时用于描述从过去开始并一直持续到现在的行为。)

5. They need to work on their tense agreement in the essay.(他们需要在论文中解决时态一致性的问题。)

6. Tense shift can be a tricky aspect of writing in English.(时态转换是英文写作中一个棘手的方面。)

7. Learning the various tenses in English can be challenging, but it's worth it.(学习英语中的各种时态可能是具有挑战性的,但是它是值得的。)



1. I always struggle with the past perfect tense in English.


2. She will be studying verb tenses in her next English lesson.


3. It is important to use the correct tense when writing a story.





例句:When your upper body tenses up, drop your arms to your sides and gently shake them out as you forcefully exhale. (当您的上身紧张时,将您的双臂下垂于身体二侧,当您强制呼气时,轻轻甩动双臂。)


例句:However, the expression of these tenses cannot always be translated directly from Chinese to English. (然而,这些时态表达不能总是从中文直接被翻译为英语。)


例句:Practise tenses as much as possible. (尽可能多地操练时态。)


例句:When you are stressed, your body tenses up as if it's about to get into a fight. (翻译:感觉有压力的时候,你的身体会变得紧张起来,好像是要投入一场战斗一样。)


tenses一般作为名词、动词使用,如在future tenses([网络] 将来时式)、imperfect tenses(未完成时态)、past tenses([网络] 过去时态;一般过去时;过去式动词)等常见短语中出现较多。

future tenses[网络] 将来时式
imperfect tenses未完成时态
past tenses[网络] 过去时态;一般过去时;过去式动词
perfect tenses[网络] 完成时态;完成式;动词时态和完成时动词
perfective tenses[网络] 完成式\n(perfective tense 的复数)
pluperfect tenses过去完成时\n(pluperfect tense 的复数)
present tenses[网络] 现在时态;现在时式;一般现在时基本用法
primary tensesn. 现在时态,未来时态与完成时态
progressive tenses[网络] 进行式;进行时态;进行时


1. Practise tenses as much as possible. (翻译:尽可能多地操练时态。)

2. When you are stressed, your body tenses up as if it's about to get into a fight. (翻译:感觉有压力的时候,你的身体会变得紧张起来,好像是要投入一场战斗一样。)

3. This meant defining rules such as where nouns and verbs go in a sentence, which are the correct tenses and so on. (翻译:这意味着要定义在一个句子中名词和动词应该安排在什么位置,哪一个才是正确的重音等等。)

4. As you listen, pay attention to both the vocabulary and the verb tenses Rudi and Wolfgang use to discuss the progress of the project. (翻译:听录音的时候,要注意Rudi和Wolfgang用来讨论项目进展的词汇和动词时态。)

5. Somewhere down the hall, a woman screams. The boy tenses for a moment. Then he resumes scrubbing away the foam. (翻译:楼下的大厅里,好像有个女人在尖叫。那个男孩儿紧张了片刻。然后他又继续擦洗地摊上的泡沫。)

6. Unfortunately, tenses were set up when people believed in real time, of course, and we don't yet have a linguistic form to describe tenses in imaginary time. (翻译:不幸的是 当人们支持实时间 时态就被创造了 至今我们都没有一种语言形式)

7. Modals and infinitives combining with tenses are seldom used by Chinese students, which is also considered as one of the problems. (翻译:情态动词及动词不定式与时态的结合使用中,中国学生使用甚少,是弱项之一。)

8. For the imperfect subjunctive, we follow the sequence of tenses and use a past: (翻译:虚拟法的现在式 改成虚拟法的半过去式句子... 动词也要跟着改成过去式)

9. Do not use the subject "I" , use tenses in the past. Except for your present job. Example: Graduated from Tsinghua University. (翻译:不要使用主题为“我”,使用时态为过去时。除非你目前还在工作。例如:毕业于清华大学。)

10. Tenses and cases rarely agreed when he spoke in public: not because he was illiterate, but because he was trying so hard not to swear. (翻译:他在公众中演讲时事态和场合往往不一致,不是因为他目不识丁,而是他在努力克制自己不要随便承诺。)



