
everyday english是什么意思 everyday english的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-12-21 08:26:18作者:心存一人

I would love to provide some insights on "everyday English" as follows:

everyday english是什么意思 everyday english的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. Definition: "Everyday English" refers to the language used in daily life, including common words, phrases and expressions that people use in their everyday conversations and interactions.

2. Importance: Learning "everyday English" can improve one's ability to communicate effectively in various social situations, such as ordering food, asking for directions, shopping, small talk, etc.

3. Characteristics: "Everyday English" is usually informal, practical and straightforward, and it often focuses on conveying simple and concrete ideas with clarity and efficiency.


1. "Hey, can you p me the salt, please?" (informal request in everyday English)

2. "Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the nearest subway station?" (polite way of asking for directions in everyday English)

3. "I'll take a medium latte and a blueberry muffin, please." (ordering food in everyday English)

4. "What did you do over the weekend?" (common small talk question in everyday English)

I didn't catch your name. Could you please spell it for me?" (polite way of asking someone's name in everyday English)


读音:[vridei ili]

例句:Learning everyday English is essential for communication with native speakers.(学习日常英语对于与母语为英语的人进行交流是必要的。)

everyday english的中文解释是"日常英语",在日常中也代表"日常英语"的意思,发音是[evridei gl],everyday english是一个英语名词,在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到74个与everyday english相关的句子。

Everyday english的释义


例句:Not something found in your everyday garden. (不是在什么普通花园能找得到的 Not something found in your everyday garden.)


everyday english一般作为名词使用,如在everyday(每天的 )、English English(英国英语)、everyday clothes(便服)等常见短语中出现较多。

English English英国英语
everyday clothes便服
everyday concept日常概念
everyday concerns日常事务
everyday language[网络] 日常英语;日常用语;日常语言
everyday life日常生活
everyday practice日常生活实践
everyday racism日常生活的族群歧视;日常生活的种族主义


1. I speak Mende and English - his language. (翻译:I speak Mende and English, his language.)

2. - In English, if possible. (翻译:- Yes. - In English, if possible.)

3. Because the English people are very much sociable (翻译:# 因为英国人非常友好 # # Because the English people are very much sociable #)

4. In everyday English, when the semantic meaning of the speaker crosses with that of the hearer, humor is formed. (翻译:在日常会话中,当说话人的语义层面和听话人的语义层面相交叉时,易形成幽默。)

5. That will not stand up in an English court of law! (翻译:That will not stand up in an English court of law!)

6. Everyday is shiney day ! (翻译:冲绳是天天天蓝… )

7. No one here speaks English. (翻译:这里就没人说英语 No one here speaks English.)

8. Now this be the English Channel. (翻译:Now this be the English Channel.)

9. No need for English vanities here. (翻译:No need for English vanities here.)

10. Why do we really have to learn English? (翻译:我们为什么非要学英语? Why do we really learn English?)

11. The answer is different everyday (翻译:每天的答案都不同 The answer is different everyday)

12. Even they understand English. (翻译:看 连他们都懂我说什么 Even they understand English.)

13. Okay, this is your rental agreement in English. (翻译:这是租约的英文版 Okay, this is your rental agreement in English.)

14. What English songs are there. (翻译:{\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}What English songs are there. Sheng?)

15. Well, we've got at least 20 minutes. (翻译:请用英语... In English, please...)

