
放电用英语怎么说 放电的英语翻译

更新时间:2023-12-03 15:44:03作者:难相拥

放电英语为"discharging",其次还可以说成" [电] electc discharge",在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到74个与放电相关短语释义和例句。

discharge lamp electc-discharge lamp gas discharge lamp electcal discharge lamp ( 放电灯 电 )

放电用英语怎么说 放电的英语翻译

electc discharge machine EDM Elect Discharge Machining electcal discharge machining ( 放电加工 )

Dielectc Barer Discharge DBD NSDBD dielectc-barer contlled discharge ( 介质阻挡放电 )

High-intensity discharge lamp HID high intensity discharge lamp-HID HIDHighintensity Discharge ( 高强度气体放电灯 )

glow discharge photoglow cold-cathode discharge APGDs ( 辉光放电 电子 )

1. Gap sparkover of an arrester

2. The eruption itself is still sral miles away, but you Once again, we can tell you

3. They're going to show a movie

4. Where do you keep yo torches here?

5. Who's showing the movie tonight?

6. - This little box shows movies?

7. i'm going to make television for rybody.

8. Hey, the Japanese guy is sending you vibes

9. Bton, play back the tape of the phone call!

10. Study on discharge charactestic of different configable DBD.

11. See the nose for any discharge: -coryza.

12. The Dynamic Plaa Charactesti in the CuBr Laser Discharge Tube

13. ViNCENTE: Yeah, they are feeding you cable.

14. She can make lightning, run away!

15. i don't have the eyelashes for it.

