
blame是什么意思 blame的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-12-03 02:43:59作者:朽心

blame是什么意思 blame的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 用法:通常用于描述一个人或事件的过错或错误,并把责任归咎于某人或某事。也可以用于表达某人因某事被指责或责备。


- Don't blame me for your mistake. (不要把你的错误归咎于我。)

- She blamed the teacher for her r grade. (她把糟糕的成绩归咎于老师。)

2. 同义词:责备、指责、谴责


- Many people blamed the government for the economic crisis. (许多人谴责导致了经济危机。)

- Don't point fingers and blame others for your own problems. (不要指责他人,把自己的问题推给别人。)

3. 反义词:赞扬、表扬、夸奖


- The boss blamed the employee for the mistake, but later praised him for fixing it quickly. (老板一开始责备员工的错误,但后来称赞他迅速解决了问题。)

- We should not always blame, we should also learn to praise. (我们不应总是指责,还应该学会表扬。)

4. 搭配:blame someone for/ blame something on


- Don't blame me for being late, the traffic was really bad. (不要因为我迟到而责备我,交通实在太堵了。)

- The accident was blamed on the driver's negligence. (这起事故归咎于司机的疏忽。)

5. 常见误用:不要把blame和fault混淆,前者强调责备和指责某人,后者强调某事的错误或缺陷。


- It's not my fault the cake burned, but I will take the blame for it. (蛋糕烤焦不是我的错,会承担责任。)

- The company accepted the fault for the defective products and promised to do better. (公司承认有缺陷产品的问题,并承诺改进。)

'blame' 这个词源于古英语中的“blma”,意为责备、指责。在现代英语中,它可以作动词和名词使用,表示指责、责备、归咎于。


- 动词:责备、指责、归咎于

- 名词:责任、过错、指责


1. Don't blame me for your mistakes. (不要把你的错误怪罪在我身上。)

2. She blames herself for not studying harder. (她责备自己没有更加努力地学习。)

3. The company was blamed for the pollution in the river. (公司被指责为河流污染的罪魁祸首。)

4. The teacher blamed the students for their lack of effort. (老师责备学生缺乏努力。)

5. He blamed his bad temper on his stressful job. (他把自己的坏脾气归咎于紧张的工作。)

6. She blamed the weather for her bad mood. (她把自己的坏心情归咎于天气。)

7. The politician blames the media for spreading false information. (家指责媒体传播虚假信息。)

8. Don't blame others for your own shortcomings. (不要因为自己的缺点而怪罪别人。)

9. The team was blamed for their defeat in the game. (队伍被责备为比赛失败的原因。)




1. Don't blame others for your own mistakes. (别因为自己的错误就怪罪别人。)

2. The company refused to accept blame for the faulty product. (公司拒绝为这个有缺陷的产品承担责任。)

3. He was unfairly blamed for the team's loss. (他被不公正地指责为团队输球的罪魁祸首。)

4. The government should take the blame for the economic crisis. (应该为经济危机负责。)

5. Stop blaming me for everything! (别把所有的事情都怪到我头上!)




例句:No wonder Neville took the blame. (难怪内维尔会背这个黑锅 No wonder Neville took the blame.)


例句:They'll blame her if it rains, or if the rains fell. (下雨怪她 They would blame her if it rains 不下雨也怪她! or if the rain fails)


例句:No one is going to blame you. (Not at all. No one is going to blame you.)


例句:I blame Dostoyevsky. (翻译:我责怪陀思妥耶夫斯基。)


blame一般作为名词、动词使用,如在to blame(谴责:应受谴责的, 有过错的; 起因是:是…起因或某事的根源的)、to blame for([网络] 因……怪罪;对…负责;应受责备)、self blame(自我责备、自咎)等常见短语中出现较多。

to blame谴责:应受谴责的, 有过错的; 起因是:是…起因或某事的根源的
to blame for[网络] 因……怪罪;对…负责;应受责备
self blame自我责备、自咎
shift the blame[网络] 推卸责任;转移责难
take the blame承担过错
incur blame for...因为...受责备
don't blame me[网络] 别怪我;别把责任推给我;不要怪我


1. No one is going to blame you. (翻译:Not at all. No one is going to blame you.)

2. I blame Dostoyevsky. (翻译:我责怪陀思妥耶夫斯基。)

3. He is the reason that my son is dead. (翻译:I blame Doug. 就因为他我儿子才会死 He is the reason that my son is dead.)

4. Some people blame the mink for this emptiness. (翻译:Some people blame the mink for this emptiness. 有人把此归因于饥饿的水貂 Ground)

5. He tried to blame the taco sauce. (翻译:他还想怪塔可酱 He tried to blame the taco sauce.)

6. # Blame it on my ADD, baby (翻译:# Blame it on my ADD, baby)

7. The blame begins and ends with my dad. (翻译:The blame begins and ends with my dad.)

8. I will not blame you for the bad decisions you make in my dreams. (翻译:I will not blame you for the bad decisions you make in my dreams.)

9. Blame the heavy cream at the fettuccini bar. (翻译:要怪意大利宽面上的奶油太多 Blame the heavy cream at the fettuccini bar.)

10. A place where the woman gets the blame. (翻译:女人受到非难的地方 A place where the woman gets the blame. -高礼帽)

11. Blame the inefficient cruise line. (翻译:要怪就怪没效率的邮司 Blame the inefficient cruise line.)

12. That you have to blame society for everything (翻译:你事事都抱怨社会 That you have to blame society for everything)

13. Nobody gets the blame and everybody gets the credit. (翻译:Nobody gets the blame and 人人都有功 everybody gets the credit.)

14. Can you blame her for getting a crush on you? (翻译:你能怪她喜欢你吗 Can you blame her for getting a crush on you?)

15. Don't blame this on me, Jed. You did this. Don't blame this on me! (翻译:别怪到我头上,杰德 你犯了错,别怪到我头上!)

