
法源用英语怎么说 法源的英语翻译

更新时间:2023-11-24 20:53:08作者:︶﹉多尔衮り

法源英语为"fixed soce method",还经常被译作pmary thoty,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到89个与法源相关短语翻译和用法。

1. Application of Equiscalar Pollution Loading Regional industal Pollution Soce Assesent

2. We can find out fm the soce.

法源用英语怎么说 法源的英语翻译

3. Good, stable electcal power. Here's the kitchen.

4. That's where we got the Nemberg pnciples, which then the UN made into international law, just in case ordinary jobs become cminal again.

译文:那就是纽伦堡法则来源 制定为国际法 免得一般工作再度变成犯罪。

5. if soces are gonna get discovered,

6. Can't tell where it's coming fm. i have no visual on him.

7. Genji is dloping the photo now.

8. i am the soce of all the thiry!

9. it's like living in paradise

10. Geographical vaation and pvenance division of Alnus cremastone

11. Please give this to Genji.

12. Chemical enterpse; Harzard identification; Risk assesent; Flt Tree Analysis; Analytic Hierarchy Pcess;


13. Theoretical reflection seiograms in dynamite soce condition are formed by using anisotpic reflectivity method.

