
the picture of dorian gray是什么意思 the picture of dorian gray的中文翻译、

更新时间:2023-11-24 13:14:09作者:凫月如枔

1. 词源和含义:'the picture of dorian gray'可以翻译为《道林格雷的画像》或者简称为《格雷的画像》。该词源自奥斯卡王尔德的同名小说,是一部充满哲学探讨和文学意义的经典作品。

例句1:'The Picture of Dorian Gray' is a reflection on the consequences of vanity and selfishness.

the picture of dorian gray是什么意思 the picture of dorian gray的中文翻译、


例句2:Some scholars argue that 'The Picture of Dorian Gray' represents Wilde's critique of Victorian society.


2. 文学价值:作为一部文学作品,'the picture of dorian gray'在文学价值方面也有很多可探讨的地方,例如它的主题、情节、人物刻画等。

例句3:'The Picture of Dorian Gray' presents a complex portrayal of the human psyche and the dangers of obsession.


例句4:Many readers admire the elegant prose and sharp wit displayed in 'The Picture of Dorian Gray'.


3. 适用范围:'the picture of dorian gray'不仅是一部文学作品,例如它在电影、音乐和艺术等领域的影响和表现。

例句5:The gothic atmosphere and moral ambiguity of 'The Picture of Dorian Gray' has inspired many movies, including the 1945 adaptation starring George Sanders.



读音:[drin re]


1. The Picture of Dorian Gray is a novel by Oscar Wilde.


2. The story follows the life of Dorian Gray, a handsome and vain young man who makes a deal to stay young and beautiful forever.


3. As the years go by, Dorian's sins and debauchery are reflected in a portrait of him that he keeps hidden away.


4. The Picture of Dorian Gray is a masterpiece of Gothic horror and a profound meditation on the nature of beauty, morality, and the human soul.


