
crayfish是什么意思 crayfish的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-11-24 10:44:09作者:故人离

1. 词义: crayfish 指的是淡水甲壳类动物中的小龙虾,是一种双足类动物,身上有硬壳,有着类似虾的形状,生活在淡水河流、湖泊以及沼泽地带。

crayfish是什么意思 crayfish的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. 词性: crayfish 是一个名词,有单数和复数形式。

3. 常用场景: crayfish 常用于描述淡水甲壳类动物中的小龙虾,因其美味可口而被广泛食用。在美国南部和中国湖南,小龙虾已成为一种非常流行的美食。

4. 词组搭配:

crayfish party 指的是一种瑞典传统的小龙虾派对,通常在夏季举行,人们在一起品尝小龙虾,喝啤酒,唱歌跳舞;

crawfish boil/crayfish boil 是一种将小龙虾和各种调味料、蔬菜一起煮熟后一起享用的美食。

5. 相关短语:

crayfish season 是指小龙虾旺季,通常在春季到秋季;

crawdad(美国英语)和crawfish 是crayfish 的同义词。

6. 发音拼写:

/cray-fish/ (英式发音)

/kref/ (美式发音)




1. I had some delicious crayfish at a restaurant in Beijing.


2. Crayfish is a popular seafood in many countries, especially in Louisiana.


3. We caught some crayfish in the river and cooked them for dinner.





例句:A hidden port in a Mediterranean bay where crayfish is served fresh at 12 o'clock and where you can wander around under palm trees after your siesta. (地中海隐藏的港湾 那里中午有生鲜小龙虾 那里你午睡后能在棕榈树荫下漫步)


例句:But it's still true that a neuron, a nerve cell, looks the same in a crayfish, a bird or you. (可是不管是鸟类,小龙虾, 还是你, 你们都有着一样的神经元和神经细胞。)


例句:Xuyi lobster is freshwater lobster, also known as Crayfish. (盱眙龙虾是淡水龙虾,又称克氏螯虾。)


例句:You can go it alone, jig for crayfish , swing from ropes along the bank. (翻译:他们可以独自去小溪,在水中活蹦乱跳地捉小虾,在岸边系上绳子荡秋千。)


crayfish一般作为名词使用,如在painted crayfish(n. 长脚龙虾)、pond crayfish(沼虾)、sea crayfish([医]龙虾, 螯虾)等常见短语中出现较多。

painted crayfishn. 长脚龙虾
pond crayfish沼虾
sea crayfish[医]龙虾, 螯虾
signal crayfish[网络] 北美淡水蟹;北美淡水大虾;通讯螯虾
Old World crayfish[网络] 老世界小龙虾


1. Xuyi lobster is freshwater lobster, also known as Crayfish. (翻译:盱眙龙虾是淡水龙虾,又称克氏螯虾。)

2. You can go it alone, jig for crayfish , swing from ropes along the bank. (翻译:他们可以独自去小溪,在水中活蹦乱跳地捉小虾,在岸边系上绳子荡秋千。)

3. Because of the Crayfish Demon's pincers... my body is all worn-out... as long as I have courage... (翻译:螫虾魔人的大钳害我伤痕累累 有源源不绝的勇气)

4. Farmers did not hesitate to stock crayfish in some ponds and use aggressive chemical treatments to eradicate them from others. (翻译:农民毫不犹豫地在某些池塘里蓄养小龙虾,并且使用侵蚀性的化学处理方法从别的池塘除牠们。)

5. The color of these crayfish, called yabbies by canyoneers, remains a puzzle. (翻译:对于这种被大家称为螯虾的淡水龙虾,它们身体的颜色仍然是个谜。)

6. Humans have 46 chromosomes, peas have 14, and crayfish have 200. (翻译:人类有46个染色体,豌豆有14个,而小龙虾有200个。)

7. Barbicambarus simmons i is almost twice the size of a typical crayfish found in the southeastern United States. (翻译:在美国东南部发现的Barbicambarussimmonsi,其体型几乎有当地普通螯虾的两倍大。)

8. will be occupied not only by frogs but larger aquatic animals such as Long-necked Tortoises and Freshwater Yabbies or Crayfish. (翻译:水的大身体将被青蛙但是更大的水动物占据例如不仅长-压缩的龟和淡水小螫虾或喇蛄。)

9. Large bodies of water will be occupied not only by frogs but larger aquatic animals such as Long-necked Tortoises and Freshwater Yabbies or Crayfish. (翻译:水的大身体将被青蛙但是更大的水动物占据例如不仅长-压缩的龟和淡水小螫虾或喇蛄。)

10. .. leaving a freshwater crayfish exposed... .. and an easy target. (翻译:只剩下淡水小龙虾暴露在地上 成为捕食者的目标)

11. Brute mathematics predict the new species, known as the marbled crayfish, will outcompete the locals. (翻译:通过数学计算预测,这种称为残酷的龙虾的新物种将很快消灭本地的龙虾。)

12. I won't forgive him, I won't forgive him, I won't forgive the Crayfish Demon" (翻译:不可原谅,绝不饶恕 绝对不能放过螫虾魔人)

13. Nutritional composition and nutritional value in the muscle of tail crayfish from Xuyi were investigated. (翻译:研究盱眙龙虾肌肉中的营养素成分与营养价值。)

14. Under the same water temperature, the oxygen consumption rate and the asphyxiant point decreased as the body weight of the crayfish increased. (翻译:在大小相近的个体中,单位体重的耗氧率和窒息点随温度的升高而增加。)

15. If you give the crayfish the same drug used to treat anxiety disorder in humans, it relaxes and comes out and explores. (翻译:而如果你给这只小龙虾吃药, 吃给人类焦虑症患者一样的药, 小龙虾也会放松起来, 然后继续出地洞探索。)

