
crockery是什么意思 crockery的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-11-24 07:20:08作者:﹏゛小瓶盖◎



crockery是什么意思 crockery的中文翻译、读音、例句


词组搭配:crockery set(套装瓷器),crockery cabinet(瓷器橱)




1. 我喜欢这套新的瓷器,它们看起来很漂亮。

2. 碗摔坏了,我们需要一些新的陶器。

3. 在厨房里有很多便宜的陶器。


1. She sets down her gl on the crockery.

2. The waiter cleared the crockery from the table.

3. The shelves were lined with rows of crockery.

4. They bought a new crockery set for the dining room.

5. Her collection of antique crockery was extensive and valuable.

6. The crockery cabinet was filled with expensive china plates.

7. I accidentally knocked over the crockery and broke a teacup.



1. The dining table was set with beautiful crockery.


2. She displayed her collection of antique crockery on the shelves.


3. The waiter accidentally dropped a plate from the crockery set.





例句:When we're through, you'll know everything there is about dresses, crockery, nuptial etiquette, and pleasing your bride. (通过学习,你将学习到... 婚礼的方方面面,取悦新娘)


例句:It has struggled over the years, despite a revamp of its image away from fancy crockery and towards everyday tableware. (尽管韦奇伍德已从一家精品陶器公司转型至日用餐具的供应商,但多年来却一直经营困难。)


例句:Neil, we're not having broken crockery again? (- 我可以去后车箱 - 不,你哪怕只碰我车一下)


例句:Plus all this crockery, cutlery and other stuff, another 100,000. (翻译:还有这些杯子、碟子、匙羹 乱七八糟的就算十万吧)


1. Neil, we're not having broken crockery again? (翻译:- 我可以去后车箱 - 不,你哪怕只碰我车一下)

2. Plus all this crockery, cutlery and other stuff, another 100,000. (翻译:还有这些杯子、碟子、匙羹 乱七八糟的就算十万吧)

3. I called for the butler to clear up the broken crockery. (翻译:我叫来男管家清理摔碎的陶瓷。)

4. When the corners of her mouth went down suddenly like a barometer it usually foretold a fall of crockery and tinware. (翻译:他太太的嘴角突然像气压计下降一样耷拉下来时通常预示着一场碗碟和罐子雨的到来。)

5. I picked up crockery, put it on the tray. (翻译:我蹲下身子,捡起餐具碎片,放在托盘里。)

6. They smashed crockery, set off fire extinguishers, and drew grafitti on the walls. (翻译:他们打碎陶器,开启灭火器,还在墙上乱涂乱画。)

7. Seige from Australia has purchased a lot of Crockery from Jiangsu Art &Craft Import &Export Company. (翻译:他已向江苏工艺品进出口公司购买了一大批陶器货物。)

8. Wrens sputter around on the ravine rocks and broken crockery from the old rabbit hutches. (翻译:鹪鹩鸟在溪谷边的岩石上,或旧兔圈里的破瓦罐边叫不停。)

9. Crockery dagger Apart from an interesting-looking carved dagger , the box was full of crockery, much of it broken . (翻译:除了一柄式样别致、雕有花纹的外,货箱内装满了陶器,而且大部分都已破碎。)

10. The blast had smitten the large , tidy kitchen with all its bright sauce pans and crockery, into a heap of black dust and rubble . (翻译:爆炸的结果把这间宽大整洁的厨房连同所有擦得闪闪发光的炊具盘碟等炸成一堆乌黑的尘埃和瓦砾。)

11. We used to keep ours in a large, blue crockery jar. (翻译:我们常常把它存放在一个大的蓝色的陶器罐子中)

12. Her heel came down on something sharp, a stone or piece of broken crockery. Cersei cried out in pain. (翻译:脚后跟踩到什么利物,石头或是破碎的瓦片,瑟曦疼的叫了出来。)

13. The crockery, found in Xianrendong Cave in Jiangxi Province, belonged to a group of mobile foragers, Dr. Bar-Yosef said. (翻译:约瑟夫博士说,在江西省仙人洞发现的陶器属于一个不固定的寻觅团体,他们是一个狩猎与采集的团体。)

14. Frank gently lifted the crockery out of the box and suddenly noticed a miniature Painting at the bottom of the packing case. (翻译:弗兰克轻轻地把陶器拿出箱子,突然发现在箱底有一幅微型画)

15. Soft taped music in restaurants tends to mask the clatter of crockery and the conversation at the next table. (翻译:餐厅里的轻音乐可以掩盖陶器的碰撞声和邻桌的交谈声。)

