
loft是什么意思 loft的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-11-22 15:38:10作者:别走

1. 词性和含义:


loft是什么意思 loft的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. 用途场合:

loft一般用于描述建筑物的结构和形式,比如“attic loft”指的是阁楼、“roof loft”指的是顶楼等。此外,loft也可以用于制造业和体育运动中,比如“lofting a golf club”指的是提高高尔夫球杆,以便让球飞得更高和更远。

3. 可能的含义变化:

loft可以被用来表示一个某个物体的架子或者支架,这种情况下通常为复数形式。例如,“he stored his books on the lofts”意思是他将书放在架子上。

4. 用法提示:



1. The attic loft was turned into a cozy bedroom for the children.


2. The band played their music on the rooftop loft, overlooking the city skyline.


3. The artisan lofted the metal sheet into the air before setting it into place.


4. The warehouse had several lofts where boxes and equipment were stored.


5. She lofted her hammer high above her head to strike the nail.




1. I converted the loft above the garage into a cozy guest room.(我把车库上面的阁楼改造成了一个舒适的客房。)

2. The loft above the living room is where I keep all my old books.(客厅上方的阁楼是我放置所有旧书的地方。)

3. The loft apartment has high ceilings and an open-plan design.(阁楼公寓拥有高天花板和开放式布局。)

4. The artist used the loft as his studio, with plenty of natural light streaming in.(艺术家把阁楼作为他的工作室,有充足的自然光线进入。)

5. She climbed up to the loft to retrieve the old family photos.(她爬到阁楼上取回了古老的家庭照片。)

6. The loft of the barn was filled with hay bales for the horses.(谷仓的阁楼里堆满了马儿的干草堆。)

7. The loft space gives the house an airy and spacious feel.(阁楼空间让房子感觉通透而宽敞。)

8. We use the loft for extra storage, since we don't have a bat.(我们把阁楼用作额外的储藏空间,因为我们没有地下室。)

9. The loft apartment has a rustic charm, with exposed brick walls and wooden beams.(阁楼公寓具有乡村的魅力,有的砖墙和木梁。)



1. We converted the loft into a spare bedroom. (我们把阁楼改成了备用的卧室。)

2. The loft was filled with old boxes and furniture. (阁楼里堆满了旧箱子和家具。)

3. The artist's studio is located in a spacious loft in the city. (这位艺术家的工作室位于城市中一间宽敞的阁楼里。)




例句:Does your wife know you've been sharing the loft with your pals? (你老婆知不知道你一直和你的弟兄在共用阁楼?)


例句:weLeaveourpastbehind but we could never forget to Mom to the grandmother and that Loft. (必须超越我们过去 但Amemkna安全忘记 吉达)


例句:There's a dead woman in our loft that only us have access to. (只有我们才能进来的阁楼里有个死去的女人。)


例句:I wanted to schedule a time for our appraiser to come out to your loft. (翻译:我想跟您约个时间,我们的估价师会到您的住所去。)


loft一般作为名词、动词使用,如在dry loft([化] 坯革堆放间)、drying loft(干燥室)、drawing loft(图样放样)等常见短语中出现较多。

dry loft[化] 坯革堆放间
drying loft干燥室
drawing loft图样放样
engineering loftun. 按样板裁节板状材料
flag loftun. 旗子修理间\n[网络] 旗子间
fly loft舞台上空
loft aerial屋顶天线
loft antenna顶棚天线
loft artist(将阁楼作为画室的)阁楼艺术家


1. There's a dead woman in our loft that only us have access to. (翻译:只有我们才能进来的阁楼里有个死去的女人。)

2. I wanted to schedule a time for our appraiser to come out to your loft. (翻译:我想跟您约个时间,我们的估价师会到您的住所去。)

3. But they kept the loft on Wooster Street for birthday parties and treasure hunts. (翻译:但他们依然留着 伍斯特街上的那阁楼, 用来举办生日派对或是寻宝游戏。)

4. That still doesn't explain why someone here put our loft up for sale! (翻译:这仍然不能解释 为什么有人要卖咱们的阁楼)

5. Have you checked the loft? (翻译:你们检查阁楼了么 可以去检查一下吗 Have you checked the loft?)

6. it was kind of an odd day at the humphrey loft. (翻译:今天在Humphrey家阁楼 过的是有点怪怪的)

7. Yeah, I just bought them a loft in Tribeca. (翻译:当然 我刚在特里贝克地区 给他们买了一套阁楼)

8. It was hidden under the loft floor. (翻译:这是藏在 这间阁楼地板 / i - -。)

9. Above the great room is a loft with an office with built-in bookshelves and clerestory Windows. (翻译:大房间上方为一座阁楼,带有一个办公间,内设嵌入式书架和天窗。)

10. Did you invite Jose Martinez into your loft the night of his death? (翻译:Jose Martinez死的那一晚 你有没有邀请他来你家?)

11. It's so awesome in here, like an industrial loft meets a police smackdown. (翻译:这地方太帅气了 跟工厂车间加突袭一样)

12. And consumers are paying for such green goodies as organic vegetables or loft-cladding. (翻译:消费者们也纷纷自掏腰包购买像有机蔬菜或外墙涂料这样的绿色宝贝。)

13. ♪ The leaves changing colors and the loft fills with hay ♪ (翻译:# 看着树叶变色 阁楼塞满干草 # # The leaves changing colors and the loft fills with hay #)

14. But in actuality, he lured you to the empire to distract you while Dan searched the loft. (翻译:其实 他只是想把你骗走 好让Dan去公寓里找胶卷)

15. Every weekend night, gathered MOFUN LOFT and enjoy a variety of band performances. (翻译:周末晚,相聚魔方,欣赏各种乐队的演出。)



