
takeyourtime是什么意思 takeyourtime的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-11-22 08:02:10作者:忆江南

1. 词释:

takeyourtime是什么意思 takeyourtime的中文翻译、读音、例句

'take your time'是一个口语短语,意为“慢慢来,不要着急”,表示让对方放松心情,不要急于完成某件事情,可以慢慢做。

2. 用法及例句:

2.1. 作为口头指令,表示让对方不要着急,放松心情,不要着急完成某件事情,可以慢慢来。

例句1:I know you want to finish this project quickly, but take your time and make sure it's done well.(我知道你想快速完成这个项目,但是慢慢来,确保做好。)

2.2. 表示对某人的耐心等待,鼓励他不要着急,有耐心地等待。

例句2:I'll be finished with this task soon, but if you need to go, take your time.(我很快就完成这个任务了,但是如果你需要走,你可以慢慢走。)

2.3. 用于句末,表示希望对方放松自己,不要急于做某件事,可以慢慢来。

例句3:Don't worry, take your time.(别担心,慢慢来。)

3. 拓展用法:

'take your time'可以缩写为'TYT',通常用于网络聊天或社交媒体,表示让对方不要急于回复,放松自己,可以慢慢回复。

4. TYT的例句:

I was busy with work.(回复晚了,不好意思。我工作很忙,所以回复比较慢。)

4.2. I need some time to think about it, TYT.(我需要一些时间来考虑一下,慢慢来吧。)

4.3. Don't rush me, TYT.(别着急,慢慢来。)

4.4. Take your time to enjoy your vacation, TYT.(好好享受假期,慢慢来。)

4.5. I'll send you the report later, TYT.(我稍后会把报告发给你,不要着急。)



读音:[tek jr tam]


1. Take your time to decide, there's no need to rush.


2. The teacher told the students to take their time on the exam, and not to rush through it.


3. When you're learning something new, it's important to take your time and not get frustrated if you don't understand it right away.


