
arccos是什么意思 arccos的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-11-19 13:59:19作者:稚女

arccos是什么意思 arccos的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:'arccos'是反余弦函数的缩写,表示求出余弦值为某一特定值的角度。它的定义域是[-1,1],值域是[0,]。

2. 应用:'arccos' 函数可以用于计算两个向量之间的夹角、求解三角形的角度、解决三角方程等。

3. 注意事项:当输入值超出定义域范围时,会产生错误或结果不符合预期。


1. The arccos of 0.5 is 60 degrees.(0.5的反余弦值为60度。)

2. To calculate the angle between two vectors, use the arccos function.(计算两个向量之间的夹角,可以使用反余弦函数。)

3. The arccos function is useful for solving trigonometric equations.(反余弦函数对于解决三角函数方程很有用。)

4. The arccos function returns the angle in radians.(反余弦函数返回弧度制角度。)

5. Make sure the input value for the arccos function is within the domain [-1,1].(确保反余弦函数的输入值在[-1,1]的定义域范围内。)







例句:It's not the Kuril arc. It's not even the entire Pacific. (不是Caro Arc,甚至不是整个太平洋)


例句:Joan of Arc was burnt at the stake. (被处以火刑。)


例句:I just want to go and try and forget about the ARC and forget about the creatures and the anomalies. (我只想离开 忘掉ARC 忘掉这些怪兽 忘掉异常点)


1. I just want to go and try and forget about the ARC and forget about the creatures and the anomalies. (翻译:我只想离开 忘掉ARC 忘掉这些怪兽 忘掉异常点)

2. Sadly the creature died... while being taken back to the ARC. (翻译:很不幸 那只野兽死了 在转移到ARC途中死了)

3. That is why the area gets shrunk by cosine alpha. (翻译:这就是为什么面积缩小了cos倍。)

4. With a view to advance the feature of arc tubes, new technology of manufacture for the ceramic metal halide lamp arc tubes was introduced. (翻译:本文列举了几个陶瓷金属卤化物灯的专利,着眼于提高陶瓷金卤灯的电弧管性能,介绍了国外在陶瓷金卤灯生产方面的一些新技术。)

5. It's funny, cos I was going to call you yesterday. (翻译:这很有趣,COS 我本来打算昨天给你打电话。)

6. Reduce radius of synodical arc of tee. (翻译:缩通相贯区内拐角处圆弧半径。)

7. Ask her. I'd love to find out. (翻译:Cos he stole from me!)

8. And throwers can't touch the arc, can they? (翻译:还有是运动员不得触及弧线,是吗? )

9. - I'm aware of that. Why the ARC? (翻译:- 我知道 可为什么要去异常点研究中心?)

10. It's reproducing itself. If it gets into the ARC, we're finished. (翻译:它在自我复制 如果它扩散到ARC里 我们全完了)

11. You will not win, cos men, we are handicapped when it comes to arguing cos we have a need to make sense. (翻译:你赢不了,因为男人在吵架上,有先天不足, 因为我们必须讲道理。)

12. Power in ion deposition arc evaporating unit, type ZXG is specially used for the arc evaporation of multi-arc ion coating equipment. (翻译:ZX G型离子沉积电弧蒸发电源装置,专门用于多弧离子镀膜机的电弧蒸发。)

13. Trust your nose 'Cause it knows the way to go (翻译:Trust your nose,cos it knows the way to go 跟着感觉走就对了)

14. You can't have forgotten him. You saw him at the ARC today. - The what? (翻译:你怎么可能忘记他 你今天在ARC还见过他)

15. It's not the Kuril arc. It's not even the entire Pacific. (翻译:不是Caro Arc,甚至不是整个太平洋 )

