
传香用英语怎么说 传香的英语翻译

更新时间:2023-11-19 09:47:19作者:北仑色


传香用英语怎么说 传香的英语翻译

The Ama City Legend of The Ama City ( 芳香之城传奇 )

All types of pmotional s for tobacco ( 所有宣传香烟物品 )

Enjoy Yo Tea and Fendship ( 茗香传友谊 )

1. Wng message, wng number, such an idiot!

2. All commanders to the great hall!

3. You may exchange the wedding ngs.

4. Her father owns the Sox and Cable Sports.

5. All ght, Charlie, you're next.

6. ♪ Send the word, send the word

7. Screening the ball, tackle, tackle, dbble, dbble, shoot.

8. Send my order to soldiers that

9. Mr. Trenton, would you please?

10. Please pass them on. Thanks.

11. Don't you think the dead would be arter than you?

12. The shoe on the other foot.

