
acknowledgement是什么意思 acknowledgement的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-11-12 15:26:26作者:故事尾声

acknowledgement是什么意思 acknowledgement的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:acknowledgement of receipt(收到回复)、acknowledgement of debt(债务确认)、acknowledgement slip(回执单)

短语:give acknowledgement(表示承认)、acknowledgement letter(感谢信)




1. She sent a note of acknowledgement to everyone who worked on the project. (她向每个参与项目的人发了一份感谢短信。)

2. I received an acknowledgement of receipt for the package I sent. (我收到了我寄出的包裹的回执。)

3. His acknowledgement of his mistake was appreciated by his colleagues. (他对自己的错误进行承认,受到了同事的赞赏。)

4. The company sent an acknowledgement letter to the successful job applicant. (公司给招聘成功的候选人寄了一封感谢信。)

5. They settled their disagreement with an acknowledgement of each other's point of view. (他们承认了彼此的观点,解决了分歧。)





1. The company sent me an acknowledgement of my job application.


2. She gave a nod of acknowledgement to the speaker.


3. The acknowledgement of her good work was long overdue.





例句:This policy is far from being ideal, but it is at least an acknowledgement of the inadequacy of our language in treating half of human race equally. (这一策略并不理想,但它至少承认了一个事实,那就是在平等对待人类另一半上,我们的语言功能还不全。)


例句:A great part of our worthiness lies in an acknowledgement of our own unworthiness. (我们的价值大部分存在于知道我们自己毫无价值。)


例句:Mr. Schnitt says the new privacy suggestions are an acknowledgement of 'the way we think the world is going. (施尼特说,新的隐私设置是承认了我们所认为的世界运行方式。)


例句:Their replies were no more than grunts of acknowledgement. (翻译:他们的回答不过是表示感谢的咕哝声。)


acknowledgement一般作为名词使用,如在in acknowledgement of(答谢,领谢…)、dock acknowledgement(码头认可)、Distress Acknowledgement([网络] 遇险确认;遇险收到确认;遇险收妥承认)等常见短语中出现较多。

in acknowledgement of答谢,领谢…
dock acknowledgement码头认可
Distress Acknowledgement[网络] 遇险确认;遇险收到确认;遇险收妥承认
fee for acknowledgement[贸易] 回执费
free acknowledgement[法] 自动认领
functional acknowledgement[网络] 功能确认;功能性认可
immediate acknowledgement立即承认
make acknowledgement of承认…
message acknowledgement讯息应答


1. Mr. Schnitt says the new privacy suggestions are an acknowledgement of 'the way we think the world is going. (翻译:施尼特说,新的隐私设置是承认了我们所认为的世界运行方式。)

2. Their replies were no more than grunts of acknowledgement. (翻译:他们的回答不过是表示感谢的咕哝声。)

3. Other people would say it means an acknowledgement or recognition of God's sovereignty. (翻译:有些人可能说教意味着感谢 或者神的的认知。)

4. Issue PO and get acknowledgement, get NL, LTA signed, supplier delivery plan tracking. (翻译:负责PO发送与确认,与供应商签订NL以及LTA等,以及交货计划追踪。)

5. Please sign the acknowledgement slip below and return it to your daughter's Homeroom Teacher by 3 rd October 2006. (翻译:请签署下列回条并由贵子弟于xx月xx日交还班主任是荷。)

6. In that one moment of acknowledgement of God, you took the first step of a long journey. (翻译:你承认上帝的那一刹那 你就踏上了一段漫长的旅途)

7. Add a notary clause that complies with the notary law. The notary acknowledgement in Appendix B is such a clause. (翻译:根据公证法增加公证条款,类似的范例见附录B)

8. He made but one condition, that they pay him each year the tribute of a falcon in acknowledgement that Malta was still under Spain. (翻译:他只提出一个条件 他们每年进贡一只老鹰 借此承认马耳他岛仍然属西班牙治下)

9. Message Broker takes responsibility for the persistence, acknowledgement, and resend requirements of the MATIP stack. (翻译:MessageBroker将负责满足MATIP栈的持久化、确认和重新发送需求。)

10. To begin our conversations with an acknowledgement of this complexity brings us closer together, I think, not further apart. (翻译:以承认这样的复杂度 来开始我们的对话, 我觉得使得我们变得更近, 而不是更远。)

11. Raikes's desire for fiercer internal debates at the foundation may be an acknowledgement that Gates needs to be challenged more. (翻译:莱克斯希望基金内部的争论更为激烈些,这或许是承认盖茨需要面对更多的挑战。)

12. This report is an acknowledgement of the size of the problem. (翻译:这个报告承认了问题的严重性。)

13. Mr. Schnitt says the new privacy suggestions are an acknowledgement of 'the way we think the world is going. ' (翻译:施尼特说,新的隐私设置是承认了我们所认为的世界运行方式。)

14. The flowers were a small acknowledgement of your kindness. (翻译:这些花聊表谢意,感谢你的好心帮助。)

15. Jane Austen sent a suitable acknowledgement and accepted an invitation to visit the famous library at Carleton House. (翻译:简很得体地表示感谢,并且接受了要她访问卡尔顿宫的著名图书馆的邀请。)

