
bolting是什么意思 bolting的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-11-11 22:32:26作者:贱贱哒

bolting是什么意思 bolting的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词性及意义:'bolting'是动词'bolt'的现在分词形式,通常指快速逃跑或者突然离开某个地方或场合。此外,'bolting'也可以指植物的茎或叶子突然长高或伸出来。

2. 用法及搭配:'bolting'通常需要和介词'from'或者'out of'连用,表示从某处突然逃离或者离开。此外,'bolting'也可以和名词连用,表示某种物质突然逸出或者冲出来。

3. 拓展意义及例句:除了以上常见用法,'bolting'在某些情况下也可以表示违背规定或者忽略责任等不负责任的行为。下面是5个中英例句,展示了'bolting'在不同语境下的用法:

1. The horse suddenly bolted when it saw a snake on the road.(那匹马突然看到路上有条蛇就立刻逃跑了。)

2. She bolted out of the meeting room when she received an emergency call.(她接到紧急电话时,立刻从会议室里冲了出去。)

3. The water was so hot that it started bolting from the kettle.(水太热了,从水壶里喷了出来。)

4. He's always bolting from his responsibilities and leaving others to clean up his mess.(他总是逃避责任,让别人来收拾他的烂摊子。)

5. The lettuce in our garden is bolting because of the hot weather.(我们花园里的生菜因为天气炎热,现在开始很快地长高了。)





1. The horse suddenly bolted and threw its rider off.


2. The heat caused the lettuce to bolt and go to seed.





例句:The vultures are good at bolting their food and retreating when the rightful owners arrive. (秃鹫在忙于狼吞虎咽 当合法的业主回来时 及时撤退)


例句:Application of Reck Bolting Technique for Equipment Removal in Fully Mechanized Face with Complex Roof (锚杆支护技术在复合顶板综采面设备拆除中的应用)


例句:A Brief Talk on Safety Effective of Metal Forepole Supporting in Beam and Bolting with wire mesh Roadway (金属前探支护在架棚及锚网支护巷道中的作用)


例句:There is also a manufactory here for bolting cloth. (翻译:这里曾经有一个织布厂。)


bolting一般作为名词、动词使用,如在field bolting(现场安装螺栓)、normal bolting(垂直锚杆)、premature bolting(早期抽苔)等常见短语中出现较多。

field bolting现场安装螺栓
normal bolting垂直锚杆
premature bolting早期抽苔
rock bolting锚杆支护
roof bolting顶板锚杆支护
single bolting单螺栓接合
strata bolting岩磐栓固
under bolting[粮食] 筛理不净
unseasonable bolting不时抽苔


1. A Brief Talk on Safety Effective of Metal Forepole Supporting in Beam and Bolting with wire mesh Roadway (翻译:金属前探支护在架棚及锚网支护巷道中的作用)

2. There is also a manufactory here for bolting cloth. (翻译:这里曾经有一个织布厂。)

3. Putting in lots of code to make software easier for newcomers would be like permanently bolting stabiliser wheels to all bicycles. (翻译:为了使软件对新手来说比较易用而放进一大堆代码就如同给所有自行车焊上永久的平衡轮。)

4. The only thing that stops you from bolting now is bad genes and greed. (翻译:你之所以现在不想离开她 是因为你的坏遗传和贪婪)

5. In a few years, are we going to see ourselves spending even less time with loved ones and bolting down meals in just a few seconds? (翻译:几年后,我们希望看到自己与所爱的人相处时间越来越短?还是要在几秒钟内就吃完一顿饭?)

6. Vigorous growth, erect phyllome with tough petioles, tolerance to shipping, bolting resistance, suitable for summer cultivation in cool area, about 30 days from sowing to harvesting. (翻译:植株长势强,株形直立,叶柄长,有韧性,易捆扎,耐运输。株高30厘米左右。该品种耐热抗抽苔,冷凉地区适合夏季生产,种后30天左右收获。)

7. Stanley never normally rushed and was the calmest of men, but he was out of there like a bolting rabbit. (翻译:斯坦利平时从不慌张,是最冷静的那一类人,但当时他从那儿跑出来的时候就像一只逃窜的兔子。)

8. In particular, Ada programs will be "portable" from one computer to another, and engineers will be able to combine them as bolting Meccano together. (翻译:特别是,ADA程序能从一台计算机移植到另一台计算机上,工程师们可轻而易举地把它们组合起来,就像拼装结构玩具一样。)

9. when i began bolting my food and thrashing in my bed at night , lucile tried to calm me. (翻译:当我开始狼吞虎咽地赶着吃东西并且在床上辗转睡不着的时候,露西尔设法使我平静下来。)

10. And Dan's just bolting it, you know? (翻译:来看看谁第一轮上 John 他们说人质总会回家)

11. The embryoid induction ability of normal bolting genotypes were higher than easy bolting and hard bolting genotypes . (翻译:较易抽苔型材料的产胚能力大于易抽苔型和不易抽苔型。)

12. Or like bolting off with the Angel Tablet, then losing it 'cause you didn't trust me? (翻译:比如带着天使石碑跑路 还给弄丢了 就因为你不信任我)

13. Studies on the Difference of Bolting and Unbolting Onions on the Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics (翻译:洋葱抽苔与未抽苔植株生理生化特性对比研究)

14. With a small bit of bolting together, the prose stories are then run as code and the tests executed. (翻译:加上一些小整合,这段故事描述就可以被当作代码来执行,从而完成测试。)

15. Note: For lugged through bolting with other drillings, consult factory. (翻译:注:对于其它螺栓孔形式的贯穿式螺栓法兰连接方式,请咨询工厂。)

