
scouting是什么意思 scouting的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-11-11 18:17:26作者:怹难入

scouting是什么意思 scouting的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:scouting是指侦查或考察,通常指野外或未知领域的侦查或勘察活动。在军事、、野外探险等领域中经常用到。


- The army sent out a scouting party to ess the enemy's position.(派出侦察队伍评估敌人的位置。)

- The forest rangers do regular scouting trips to monitor the wildlife population.(森林管理员定期进行侦察,以监测野生动物种群。)

- The detectives went on a scouting mission to gather evidence on the suspect.(侦探们进行侦查任务,搜集嫌疑人的证据。)

2. 缩写:BSA(Boys Scouts of America),是美国的一个青少年组织,通过各种活动来培养孩子们的领导能力、荣誉感和诚实等品质。


- My son has been a Boy Scout for three years and has learned a lot of valuable skills.(我的儿子已经是男童子军xx年了,学到了很多有价值的技能。)

- The Boy Scouts of America has a strict code of conduct to ensure the safety of its members.(美国男童子军有严格的行为规范,确保成员的安全。)

- The BSA is recognized as one of the most successful youth organizations in the world.(BSA被认为是世界上最成功的青年组织之一。)

3. 运动:scouting也可以指在体育比赛中的侦察或策略安排,通常被用于足球、篮球等球类运动。


- The coach sent his istant to do some scouting on the opposing team before the big game.(教练派助手对对手队伍进行一些侦查,准备赛。)

- The team's success was attributed in part to the thorough scouting done by the coaches.(球队的成功部分归功于教练们的彻底侦查。)

- The team's star player was discovered through the scouting efforts of the club's talent scouts.(球队的明星球员是通过俱乐部的人才侦察队伍发掘出来的。)




1. The soldiers were scouting the enemy's position.


2. She was a member of a local scouting group when she was young.


3. The company is scouting for new business opportunities.





例句:Yes, it is. I caught a glimpse of Emma when I was scouting out the enemy camp. (其实我刚才偷偷去看了艾玛 我现在是敌方阵营)


例句:I'm not after your job because I want director of scouting. (我监督你的工作不是因为我想主管球探事务.)


例句:Based on his military experience, Robert Baden-Powell created the first scouting group as a social experiment. (基于他的军事经验,罗伯特?贝登堡创建了第一个童子军小队,作为一项社会试验。)


例句:I think the Boggans are scouting our defenses. (翻译:我觉得Boggan人在侦查我们的防守 {\1cH00FFFF}{\3cH202020}I think the Boggans are scouting our defenses)


scouting一般作为名词、动词使用,如在location scouting(勘景)、scouting aeroplane([机] 侦察飞机)、scouting around(侦察)等常见短语中出现较多。

location scouting勘景
scouting aeroplane[机] 侦察飞机
scouting around侦察
scouting course搜索航线
scouting distance搜索距离
scouting front搜索前缘
scouting interval搜索距离
scouting line搜索线
scouting manual侦察教范


1. Based on his military experience, Robert Baden-Powell created the first scouting group as a social experiment. (翻译:基于他的军事经验,罗伯特?贝登堡创建了第一个童子军小队,作为一项社会试验。)

2. I think the Boggans are scouting our defenses. (翻译:我觉得Boggan人在侦查我们的防守 {\1cH00FFFF}{\3cH202020}I think the Boggans are scouting our defenses)

3. We got Grady Fuson, former head of scouting with the Athletics. (翻译:We got Grady Fuson, former head of scouting with the Athletics. 我们请到了葛弟弗森 运动家的前任球探组长)

4. Lynchburg surrendered to a Federal scouting party. (翻译:林奇堡向联邦的侦查军投降。)

5. It seems like it's just-- The only hard part is getting there and scouting it and finding an efficient way to cover everything. (翻译:现在看来 最难的地方是如何进入这些,探索,观测)

6. You know, I saw you train at the academy once, scouting you. (翻译:要知道 我在学院看过你的训练 观察你 You know, I saw you train at the academy once, scouting you.)

7. You know, I was thinking of taking Tim and Martinez out on a scouting mission later on this week. (翻译:我想带着提姆和马丁内斯 在这周晚些时候外出行动一番)

8. A meerkat scouting for predators in the kalahari. (翻译:一只猫鼬在喀拉哈里搜寻猎物。)

9. From then on, we'll have to rely on Commander Erwin's long-range scouting formation. (翻译:我们所能依靠的 只有艾尔文团长设计的长距离搜索阵形)

10. And Gaeta's briefing Sharon and Racetrack on the scouting mission to the pulsars. (翻译:为了把你们从星球上营救出来 还有盖塔关于莎伦和Racetrack 侦查那颗脉冲星的任务的简报)

11. I did some scouting yesterday Shih has mobilized... (翻译:不好了 昨天我听别人打探的消息 石少峰下达 命令说)

12. At the same time, Pantaleo Corvino is about to return from South America where he has been scouting Argentinian and Brasilian players. (翻译:同时,科尔维诺完成了他的阿根廷与巴西妖人考察计划,即将从南美洲返回。)

13. As researchers hunt for more links between known CNVs and disease, Scherer and Hurles are scouting out new variants to add to the mix. (翻译:正当研究人员探索著更多已知CNV和疾病之间的关联,谢瑞尔和赫勒斯正在搜寻新的变异,以扩充资料库。)

14. Eskimo scouting teams are anxiously looking for a weak spot along this seemingly impenetrable wall of ice. (翻译:爱斯基摩人巡逻队想赶快找出... 这座冰墙的弱点)

15. What's left of bombing six, scouting six, and the rest of the guys from the Yorktown. (翻译:包括第六轰炸机队、第六侦察机队 和从约克顿号转来的弟兄)



