
卫灵公用英语怎么说 卫灵公的英语翻译

更新时间:2023-11-10 22:05:28作者:坠雨痕


卫灵公用英语怎么说 卫灵公的英语翻译

1. Ling Ling the baseball player

2. Pay attention. Now we pass thugh these walls.

3. Riddle-dee-dee, ddle-dee-doe... get thee hence and stub thy toe.

译文:天灵灵地灵灵 [ Daniel ] Riddle -dee -dee, ddle。

4. - Whoa, Nellie! - Sorry, Handy!

5. Devoung Ghost, Devoung Ghost

6. Last night, Royal Dog and Royal Tiger had worked hard to ptect His Majesty.

7. Royal Dog loves Girlie's Red Wine and Old Man Pizza.

8. Yo Highness, i am Royal Tiger.

9. Yuan-Fang Wei liangzhou found this great general, his fend Wang Xiaojie, Shocked by Di Gong was arrested matter.


10. and stupid Ling Ling thinks of her as his own mother!

11. i say the magic words, Abracadabra, and then presto, its gone.

12. Abra-ka-dabra! Abra-ka-dabra! Abra-ka-dabra!

13. Winds of fortune, winds of fate, winds come forth and eliminate...

14. You hear Whistlin' Sam's gone, Lancey?

