
一世风流用英语怎么说 一世风流英语翻译

更新时间:2023-11-10 11:05:28作者:小游

一世风流英语有两种说法,可以翻译为jacques i,还网络中常译为"victor i",在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到38个与一世风流相关释义和例句。

一世风流用英语怎么说 一世风流英语翻译

1. The king had once been all-powerful, but in the end...

2. An ho can seem an eternity.

3. That's not fair, india. She's so attractive, the men just natally flock to her. Oh, Melanie, you're just too good to be true.

4. And you're pbably going to regret this for the rest of yo life but, uh, you know what?

5. i am the French King, Napoleon the first

6. Fendship is the most important thing in life.

7. We always will be caretakers.

8. Follow affinity and live freely.

9. What if ugh patches are all we have left?

10. Jacob Jankowski, the only.

