
cafe是什么意思 cafe的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-11-09 03:47:29作者:迷心咒

cafe是什么意思 cafe的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词释

'cafe'是英语里的一个名词,用来指代一种咖啡厅或者咖啡馆,通常是一个供人们休息、交流和享受咖啡的场所。'cafe'也可以作为缩写词,表示“Corporate Average Fuel Efficiency”,即企业平均燃油效率。

2. 用法介绍


3. 拼写和发音


4. 实际应用


- I like to spend my Sunday mornings at a cozy cafe with a good book. (我喜欢在一个舒适的咖啡厅里度过我的周日早上,读一本好书。)

- The new cafe on the corner has the best cappuccino in town. (角落里的新咖啡厅有镇上最好的卡布奇诺。)

- We held our business meeting at a trendy cafe downtown. (我们在市中心一家时髦的咖啡厅举行了商务会议。)

- The cafe was packed with students studying for their exams. (咖啡厅里挤满了为考试学习的学生。)

- The government is setting new standards for CAFE in order to reduce fuel consumption. (正在制定新的燃油效率标准,以减少燃油消耗。)

'cafe' 是法语单词,中文翻译是咖啡馆、咖啡屋,是指提供咖啡和其他饮料、小吃、蛋糕等的休闲场所。'cafe' 在日常生活中经常被使用,不仅指经营咖啡业的店铺,也可以是提供其他小吃或糕点的休闲场所。

以下是含有 'cafe' 的 9 个例句:

1. Je vais souvent au cafe pour prendre un petit djeuner. (我经常去咖啡馆吃早餐。)

2. Nous avons p l'aprs-midi dans un cafe. (我们在咖啡屋度过了下午。)

3. J'adore le cafe latte avec du sirop de vanille. (我喜欢加香草糖浆的拿铁咖啡。)

4. Il y a un nouveau cafe sur la rue prinle. (主街上有一家新的咖啡馆。)

5. Le cafe est l'endroit pait pour se dtendre avec un bon livre. (咖啡馆是阅读好书放松的理想场所。)

6. Les gens aiment se rencontrer dans les cafes pour discuter. (人们喜欢在咖啡馆见面谈论。)

7. Le cafe au lait est une boisson traditionnelle franaise. (咖啡牛奶是法国传统饮料。)

8. Le cafe expresso est un caf fort et cors qui est trs populaire. (意式浓缩咖啡是一种浓烈口感的咖啡,非常受欢迎。)

9. Les cafes offrent une varit de snacks et de ptisseries dlicieux. (咖啡馆提供各种美味的小吃和糕点。)





1. Let's meet up at the cafe later and catch up.


2. I often work at a cafe, it helps me to focus.


3. This cafe serves the best espresso in town.





例句:Approach the Joseon legation in the Nevski cafe naturally. (在Nevski咖啡店自然的与使团碰面)


例句:The cafe has an intimate but buzzy atmosphere. (咖啡馆气氛暧昧但又很活泼。)


例句:There was a cafe which had the TV on very loud. In the name of God the Merciful. (那儿有一家餐厅 电视正在直播 声音很响 There was a cafe which had the TV on very loud.)

4.咖啡馆 、小餐馆

例句:Music blares out from every cafe. (翻译:每一间咖啡馆都传出刺耳的音乐声。)


cafe一般作为名词使用,如在maid cafe([网络] 女仆咖啡厅;女仆餐厅;女仆趴)、Net cafe(网吧)、pavement cafe([网络] 人行道咖啡馆;露天茶座)等常见短语中出现较多。

maid cafe[网络] 女仆咖啡厅;女仆餐厅;女仆趴
Net cafe网吧
pavement cafe[网络] 人行道咖啡馆;露天茶座
sidewalk cafe[网络] 路边咖啡馆;露天茶座;路边咖啡厅
transport cafen. 公路路边小餐馆, 公路边廉价餐厅
hard rock cafe[网络] 硬石餐厅;硬石咖啡厅;硬石咖啡餐厅


1. There was a cafe which had the TV on very loud. In the name of God the Merciful. (翻译:那儿有一家餐厅 电视正在直播 声音很响 There was a cafe which had the TV on very loud.)

2. Music blares out from every cafe. (翻译:每一间咖啡馆都传出刺耳的音乐声。)

3. It's like you go into a cafe, an Internet cafe, and you can meet with someone on a computer and do counseling. (翻译:这就像你走进一家咖啡厅, 一家网吧, 你可以与他人见面 在计算机上做辅导。)

4. Ja, das Ritz Cafe - das Fritz Cafe! (翻译:好 这家利兹咖啡馆 改名叫德国佬咖啡馆吧)

5. It'll be more comfortable in a cafe. (翻译:最好是在一家咖啡屋碰面 我知道你回家的途中 有一家意大利咖啡屋)

6. Went by the cafe for some tiramisu. (翻译:我去咖啡馆喝了杯提拉米苏 Went by the caf for some tiramisu.)

7. There is a meeting at Cafe Moravia on Voova Street. (翻译:我们会在沃迪科瓦街的摩拉维亚咖啡馆开会。)

8. There's a cafe with really good cake on the hill. (翻译:春美坡那里有家咖啡店的蛋糕很好吃 你知道吗 不知道)

9. But I also sympathise with the difficulties of the cafe owner. (翻译:也同情那家咖啡店店主的难处。)

10. Excuse me... is there another cafe in this station? (翻译:请问... ... 这里还有另外一家咖啡馆吗?)

11. Casey just ducked into a cafe. (翻译:凯西刚进了间咖啡厅 {\fn微软雅黑\b0\fs14\3cH000000\shad1}Casey just ducked into a cafe.)

12. After arriving, connect with the madam at Cafe Anemone (翻译:等你们到了那儿之后 就去明治町找秋牡丹咖啡馆的老板娘)

13. He walked jauntily into the cafe. (翻译:他昂首阔步地走进了咖啡馆。)

14. So you got the bridge, you got dozens of factories, you got this cafe. (翻译:有桥梁 几个工厂 So you got the bridge, you got dozens of factories, 还有咖啡店 我们在游戏里 you got this cafe.)

15. It was the 3 1 st of July, 1 960, and I was sitting at this table in a very, very crowded cafe, which was the Cafe De Paris, as it was called. (翻译:那是xx年xx月31号 当时我就坐这张桌子 那是咖啡店里的人很多)

