
nautical是什么意思 nautical的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-11-08 17:37:30作者:无戏配角

nautical是什么意思 nautical的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词性和基本含义:nautical是一个形容词,通常用来描述与船舶或海洋相关的事物或活动,例如航海、港口、船员、船舶、海洋气象等。

2. 派生词和相关词汇:与nautical相关的词汇有很多,例如nautical miles(海里)、nautical charts(海图)、nautical equipment(船舶设备)等。此外,nautical还可以缩写为“naut.”或“nau.”。

3. 例句1:The sailor navigated the ship using nautical charts.(这名船员使用海图导航船只。)

4. 例句2:The cruise ship has all the latest nautical equipment.(这艘游轮配备了最新的船舶设备。)

5. 例句3:The nautical miles between New York and London is approximately 3,500.(纽约和伦敦之间的海里数大约为3,500。)

6. 例句4:The nautical weather forecast predicted strong winds and heavy seas.(海洋气象预报预测将有强风和大浪。)

7. 例句5:The maritime academy offers courses in nautical science and navigation.(这所海事学院提供航海科学和导航课程。)



1. He has a great deal of nautical experience and can navigate any ship safely.(他有非常丰富的航海经验,能够安全地操纵任何船只。)

2. The museum has an impressive collection of nautical artifacts from different eras.(博物馆收藏了不同时代的海事文物,令人印象深刻。)

3. The sailors were well-versed in nautical terminology and could communicate effectively with each other.(水手们精通航海术语,能够有效地相互沟通。)

nautical的意思是"航海的 、海上的",其中文解释还有"航海的"的意思,发音是['n:tikl],nautical常被用作形容词,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到51个与nautical相关的例句。



例句:We're here and it makes sense that Convoy 1 might deviate south from its course 40 nautical miles... instead of heading straight to Okinawa. (这是我们的位置 前往冲绳的第一船队为了避开台风 预计航路会改为往南绕道40哩)


例句:The Nanji Island is located 30 nautical miles off the mouth of Aojiang River near Pingyang County, Zhejiang Province. (答:南麂岛位于中国浙江省平阳县鳌江口外30海里处。)


例句:A U.S.-flagged cargo ship, the Maersk Alabama, has been hijacked 820 nautical miles west of your current position. (有一艘美国旗货轮 马士基・巴马号 在距你820海里处被)


例句:Our expedition takes us to a place every nautical trade route known to man has avoided for centuries. (翻译:本次考察我们将前往一座数百年来 所有人类已知的贸易航线都会避开的岛屿)


nautical一般作为形容词使用,如在international nautical(国际海里)、nautical almanac(航海天文年历)、nautical archaeology(航海考古学[亦称作 marine archaeology])等常见短语中出现较多。

international nautical国际海里
nautical almanac航海天文年历
nautical archaeology航海考古学[亦称作 marine archaeology]
nautical essor(法庭的)航海顾问
nautical astronomy航海天文学
nautical book航海手册
nautical chain航海测链
nautical chains航海测链\n(nautical chain 的复数)
nautical characteristics[网络] 航海性能


1. A U.S.-flagged cargo ship, the Maersk Alabama, has been hijacked 820 nautical miles west of your current position. (翻译:有一艘美国旗货轮 马士基・巴马号 在距你820海里处被)

2. Our expedition takes us to a place every nautical trade route known to man has avoided for centuries. (翻译:本次考察我们将前往一座数百年来 所有人类已知的贸易航线都会避开的岛屿)

3. Admiral Aikton's nautical charts indicated the Islands belonged to Rydal. (翻译:将军乔治埃克顿的航海图指出这些群岛是属于赖德尔王国的。)

4. He found a lifeboat, rigged a sail, and being of a nautical discipline turned his eyes to the heavens and read the stars. (翻译:他发现了艘救生艇 撑起了帆... 根据航海理论... 将目光投向了天空 解读星位)

5. Dr. Kroo points out that the aircraft could be separated by several nautical miles, and would not be in the unnervingly easy groupings favored by display teams like the Red Arrows. (翻译:克罗博士指出,这种飞机可以相隔几海里,而且不会呈现出像红箭队这样的展示队伍所青睐的那种令人不安的简单组合。)

6. Now, coast guard vessels enforce a fishing ban within the lagoon and within a 12-nautical-mile radius around the atoll. (翻译:如今,巡逻船明令禁止在潟湖和环礁半径12海浬范围内捕鱼。)

7. In Medieval folklore, the Ziphius, or "Water-Owl", was a monstrous nautical creature said to attack ships in the northern seas. (翻译:在中世纪传说中,剑吻鲸或“水中猫头鹰”,一种在北方海域袭击船只的大得离谱的海中生物。)

8. In this way, a free nautical miles in the growth of the sea became a wizard on such days Miyazato of keeping a fish. (翻译:就这样,一只在海里自由生长的海的精灵就这样成为了天宫里饲养的一条鱼。)

9. I mean, this nautical almanac published the lunar differences for every month of the year. (翻译:例如这份航海历就计算了 xx年中每个月份的月相差异。)

10. However, an official from the airline says the search area has now been narrowed down to a zone of a few nautical miles. (翻译:然而,航空公司一名官员透露,搜索范围已经缩小到方圆几海里的区域。)

11. He had planned to take the convoy through the Dampier Strait and enter the Solomon Sea about 50 nautical miles northeast of Finschafen. (翻译:他计划带着舰队穿丹皮尔海峡进入所罗门海,这是到莱城和休恩湾最近最合理的路线。)

12. 0-50, 60 nautical miles, level 3-50. (翻译:0 -50,60海里,飞航空层3 -50)

13. As he's been at sea, perhaps something with a nautical theme might be appropriate. (翻译:由于他去的是海上 也许 航海主题的东西比较合适吧)

14. Seek demo Mirage 2000 at 0-50 to your position at 60 nautical miles, level 3-5-0. (翻译:搜寻展示的幻象2000 在位置0 -50)

15. The device is currently being prepared for ocean trials at a site approximately 33 nautical miles from Invergordon off Scotland’s north-east coast. (翻译:该装置目前正准备在离苏格兰东北海岸因弗戈登33海里的地点进行海中实验。)

