
authentication error是什么意思 authentication error的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-11-05 10:05:33作者:锦年假

词义:authentication error 意为“认证错误”,指在计算机系统、软件应用程序等中,由于用户认证信息(如用户名、密码等)输入有误或不完整,无法通过认证而无法登录或执行指定操作的错误。

词性:authentication error 是一个名词短语。

authentication error是什么意思 authentication error的中文翻译、读音、例句


- authentication error message:认证错误信息

- fix authentication error:修复认证错误

- resolve authentication error:解决认证错误

- encounter authentication error:遇到认证错误


发音拼写:[ntken err]


1. The authentication error occurs when the username or pword is incorrect.(当用户名或密码不正确时会发生认证错误。)

2. The system displays an authentication error message when the user enters the wrong pword multiple times.(当用户多次输入错误的密码时,系统会显示认证错误信息。)

3. If yoeceive an authentication error while trying to connect to the network, please contact IT support.(如果您在尝试连接网络时收到了认证错误,请联系IT支持。)

4. You may encounter authentication errors when using a public Wi-Fi network, as these networks may have weaker security measures.(在使用公共Wi-Fi网络时,可能会遇到认证错误,因为这些网络的安全措施可能较弱。)

5. The authentication error can also occur if the account has been locked due to too many failed login attempts.(如果由于过多的登录尝试失败而锁定了帐户,也可能会发生认证错误。)

6. Our technical team is investigating the cause of authentication errors some users have reported.(我们的技术团队正在调查一些用户报告的认证错误的原因。)

7. The app may be experiencing authentication errors due to a problem with the server.(由于服务器出现问题,该应用程序可能会出现认证错误。)


读音:/ntken rr/


1. I couldn't log in to my account because of an authentication error.


2. The system displayed an authentication error message when I tried to access the file.


