
join us是什么意思 join us的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-11-04 16:20:34作者:木头&浴火

join us是什么意思 join us的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意义:'join us' 意味着加入我们,通常用于邀请他人参加某种活动、团体、组织或者社交媒体平台等。该短语或缩写词能够传递出你希望别人加入你的行列,以便共同实现某个目标或享受共同的好处。


- If you're interested in playing soccer, why don't you join us on Saay morning?

- We're planning a charity event next month – would you like to join us as a volunteer?

- Our school has a drama club – would you like to join us for our next production?

- I'm starting a book club – would anyone like to join us and discuss some great literature?

- Are you tired of cooking alone? Join us in the kitchen tonight and let's make something delicious together.

2. 邀请:'join us' 这个短语可以用于各种邀请场合,比如派对、旅游、电影、音乐会等等。当你要邀请他人参加时,可以使用该短语或缩写词。


- We're throwing a barbecue this weekend – we'd love for you to join us!

- Our family is going to Disneyland next month – will you join us for the trip?

- The new Star Wars movie just came out – would you like to join us for a screening?

- The local symphony orchestra is performing Beethoven's Ninth Symphony – why don't you join us for the concert?

- We're having a potluck dinner party – why don't you join us and bring your favorite dish?

3. 社交媒体:'join us' 这个短语同样可以用于社交媒体平台上的邀请,比如 Facebook、Twitter、LinkedIn 等等。当你想要扩大你的社交圈子或者让你的品牌获得更多关注时,可以使用该短语或缩写词。


- Join us on Facebook and stay up-to-date with our latest news and events.

- We're on Twitter – follow us for daily inspiration and motivational quotes!

- Join us on LinkedIn and connect with other professionals in our industry.

- We have a YouTube channel – join us and watch our latest videos!

- Sign up for our newsletter and join us on our journey to achieve success.

4. 企业宣传:'join us' 这个短语可以在企业宣传中使用,以鼓励人们加入你的公司或团队。它可以传达出你公司或团队的文化和价值观,并且吸引到最合适的人才。


- Join us and become a part of our successful and innovative team.

- Our company is growing fast – join us and grow with us!

- We're looking for pionate and motivated individuals to join us in changing the world.

- Join us and be a part of a community that is a positive impact on people's lives.

- Our team is diverse and inclusive – join us and discover your full potential.

5. 承诺:'join us' 这个短语可以传达出一个承诺,即参加某个活动或者加入某个团队将会得到一些好处或者为自己带来某种成就感。它可以激发人们的兴趣和动力,以便投入更多的时间和精力。


- Join us and improve your communication skills through our public speaking workshops.

- Our program is designed to help you develop leadership skills – join us and transform your career!

- Join us and be a part of a community that supports and encourages each other.

- Our team is committed to achieving excellence – join us and be a part of something great.

- Join us and discover your pion for writing through our creative writing group.


读音:jin us


1. We welcome you to join us in our efforts to make a difference in the community.(我们欢迎您加入我们的行列,为社区做出改变。)

2. If you are interested in our project, please join us at the meeting next week.(如果您对我们的项目感兴趣,请在下周的会议上加入我们。)

3. With your skills and knowledge, we believe you would be a valuable addition to our team. Please consider joining us.(凭借您的技能和知识,我们相信您将成为我们团队的宝贵补充。请考虑加入我们。)

join us的中文解释是"加入我们",还经常被翻译为专辑名,读音为[joinus],join us在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到65个与join us相关的句子。

Join us的释义


例句:Primal ... they linger and join us... (最原始的 它们会停留 {\fnComic Sans MS\fscx50\fscy50}Primal ... they linger and join us...)


例句:Do you think she can join us tomorrow? (您觉得她明天能参加吗 Do you think she can join us tomorrow?)


join us一般作为名词使用,如在join(接合 )、join in(参加, 加入)、join in with(与…一起做某事;与…共同分担)等常见短语中出现较多。

join in参加, 加入
join in with与…一起做某事;与…共同分担
join on联接在…,安装在…
join to加在…之上; (使)加入
join with用…把…连接〔结合〕起来; 与…一同做某事; 与(某人的观点)一致
join'v. 加入;参加;连接;参与\nn. 连接处;接合点\n[网络] 合并;联结;结合
the join[网络] 联接
for us对我们有利


1. Join us, use your powers for good. (翻译:Join us, use your powers for good.)

2. Uh, June and I would love for you to join us for dinner tonight. (翻译:琼和我想邀请你 Uh, June and I would love for you to join us 共进晚餐 for dinner tonight.)

3. Shanshiashvili has condescended to join us! (翻译:Shanshiashvili已经屈尊加入我们的行列!)

4. Once you join us, you must remain. (翻译:你一旦加入我们 就没有回头路了 Once you join us, you must remain.)

5. Mr. Baker was kind enough to allow us to join the group. (翻译:贝克先生很好心让我们加入这一组 Mr. Baker was kind enough to allow us to join the group.)

6. Go ahead Doug, you can join us for dinner. (翻译:Go ahead, Doug, you can join us for dinner.)

7. That's right, why not join some saving funds? (翻译:why not join some saving funds?)

8. Well, Penny might want to join us. (翻译:Penny可能和我们一起看 Well, Penny might want to join us.)

9. For us there's enough and more, join us at the wedding, Strawman! (翻译:这里有足够多的 来参加我们的婚礼吧 稻草人!)

10. Ned, would you come join us? (翻译:would you come join us?)

11. Request to join the Colorado offensive. (翻译:Request to join the Colorado offensive.)

12. This is Jim Bauer inviting you to join us.... (翻译:我是吉姆包尔,欢迎你收听 This is Jim Bauer inviting you to join us... .)

13. When she comes back, you can come to join us. (翻译:you can come to join us.)

14. Do you want to join us for dinner? (翻译:要不要和我们一起共进晚餐? Do you want to join us for dinner?)

15. I wish I'd kept my big mouth shut long enough to hear what she wanted out of life (翻译:How would you ladies like to join us for something wet?)

