
redder是什么意思 redder的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-11-02 11:59:37作者:寡欢

1. 词性

redder是什么意思 redder的中文翻译、读音、例句


2. 词源


3. 用法


4. 变形


5. 同义词

'redder'的同义词包括:more red、brighter、vivid等。


1. The autumn leaves are getting redder and redder.

2. This tomato is redder than that one.

3. The sunset became redder as time went by.

4. The strawberries in this basket are redder than the ones in that basket.

5. Her cheeks turned redder and redder as she spoke.




1. The sky was getting redder as the sun began to set. (天空在太阳开始落山时变得更红了。)

2. She blushed redder and redder as he complimented her. (他夸她时,她的脸越来越红了。)

3. The apple was redder on one side than the other. (这个苹果一面比另一面更红。)




例句:Then, the sun was getting bigger and bigger, redder and redder on its regular path that never changes. (那时,太阳循着亘古不变的路途正越来越大,也越红。)


1. Well, this map in the sort of redder, yellower colors are the places with the highest densities of slavery. (翻译:看这个地图上发红、发黄的那些区域 就是奴隶人口密度最高的地区。)

2. The effect on M1 grain coat color was different between two varieties, the higher doses made grain coat color of "Yangmai 5" redder, but had hardly effect on "Ningmai 3". (翻译:结果两品种M_1代籽粒色泽的辐射反应有差异,较高剂量辐射可使扬麦5号粒色变深,但对宁麦3号作用不大。)

3. As the researchers continued to tumble the samples, they observed the sand getting redder and redder. (翻译:当研究人员继续将这些样品进行翻滚时,他们注意到砂粒的颜色变得越来越红。)

4. You kind of see the relationship between the redder states of where more people responded and said, "Yes, Barack Obama's race was a problem for me." (翻译:你们大概可以看到 那些更红一些的州之间的关系,在那些地方更多的人回答说: ”是的,的种族之前对我来说是一个难题。“ )

5. Now, I actually want you to notice as well that this is a lot redder than most apples. (翻译:我现在也需要你们注意, 它比其他苹果要红得多。)

6. Did you hear what I said, Micawber? ' said Uriah angrily, his little eyes becoming redder while his long face went very pale. (翻译:“你听见我的话了吗?米考伯?”尤赖亚生气地说道,他的小眼睛越来越红,他的长脸开始苍白。)

7. The "Bund Financial Bull" was created by the original sculptor and weighs the same as his New York sibling, but is a bit redder in colour. (翻译:“外滩金融牛”和它的纽约“兄弟”出自同一位雕塑家之手,重量相当,只是颜色略红一些。)

8. Then the climbing got steeper, the sun got redder, and pretty soon I began to see patches of snow in the shade of some rocks. (翻译:那时攀登变得更陡峭,太阳变得更红,而没多久我开始在一些石头影阴处看到雪的斑饰。)

9. Attribute colors changed, higher values are redder and lower grayer. (翻译:改变了属性的显示颜色,数值越高越红,反之则更灰。)

10. A duck farmer in Shijiazhuang said the more red material put in the forage, the redder the yolks laid by the ducks. (翻译:石家庄的一位养鸭农户说,在饲料中放入的红色原料越多,鸭子所下的蛋的蛋黄越黄。)

11. Trees such as maples usually get much redder the more north you travel in the northern hemisphere. (翻译:枫树等树木越往北半球的北边走,通常就越红。)

12. Objects moving away from us, their light waves are stretched, and they appear redder. (翻译:当物体远离我们的时候 波长变长,它们看起来更红 )

13. When it gets warm it generates -- it makes redder energy -- I mean, like infra-red, like something that's warm gives off infra-red. (翻译:当地球变暖,地球会产生 — 地球会放出更“红”的能量波 — 我是说,就像红外线, 有温度的东西能放射红外线。)

14. When it gets warm it generates -- it makes redder energy -- I mean, like infra-red, like something that's warm gives off infra-red. (翻译:当地球变暖,地球会产生 — 地球会放出更“红”的能量波 — 我是说,就像红外线, 有温度的东西能放射红外线。)

15. The pomegranate flowers that blossom in the gardens of Tyre are redder than roses which are not so red. (翻译:在泰尔的花园里盛开的石榴花,比没有那么红的玫瑰还红。)



