
statement是什么意思 statement的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-11-02 01:17:36作者:尐懒猫お


statement是什么意思 statement的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 名词意义



- Her statement to the police was consistent with the witness testimony.(她给的陈述与目击证人的证言一致。)

- The company issued a statement denying the allegations.(公司发布声明否认指控。)

- I need to check my bank statement to see if the payment went through.(我需要检查我的银行账单,看看支付是否成功。)

2. 表示态度或立场



- The president made a statement condemning the violence.(总统发表声明谴责暴力。)

- The UN issued a statement calling for an end to the conflict.(发表声明呼吁结束冲突。)

- The fashion brand made a statement by featuring a diverse group of models.(时尚品牌通过展示多样化的模特阵容来发表声明。)

3. 命题或主题



- The statement "All men are mortal" is a universal proposition.(命题"All men are mortal"是一个普遍命题。)

- The witness was asked to make a statement about what he had seen.(目击证人被要求详细陈述他所见到的事情。)

4. 缩写词

在电子支付和银行业务中,statement还可以指代"a customer statement", 意思是客户的账单和交易明细。通常在银行账户或者信用卡账户上可以查看。


- I need to download my bank statement to check my transactions for the month.(我需要下载银行账单,以查看本月的交易情况。)

- My credit card statement shows that I spent too much on dining out last month.(我信用卡账单显示我上月在外面用餐花费过多。)





1. The government issued a statement condemning the terrorist attack. (发表声明谴责恐怖袭击。)

2. Your statement is not entirely accurate. (你的陈述并不完全准确。)

3. Her statement about the company's financial situation was alarming. (她对公司财务状况的表述令人担忧。)

4. I need a written statement from you before I can proceed with the investigation. (在我进行调查之前,我需要你的书面声明。)

5. The defendant made a statement in court claiming his innocence. (被告在法庭上发表声明声称自己无罪。)




例句:Do you have any evidence to support that statement? (那你有什么证据证明吗 You have any evidence to support that statement?)


例句:Got to wait for POTUS to make a statement. (Got to wait for POTUS to make a statement.)


例句:During my closing statement? (在我做结辩时? 这不符合规程 During my closing statement?)


例句:We need a statement, not a manifesto. (翻译:我要的是火力演示 不是全国通告 We need a statement, not a manifesto.)


statement一般作为名词、动词使用,如在FOR statement([计] 循环语句, FOR语句)、if statement([计] 如果语句)、on statement(接通语句)等常见短语中出现较多。

FOR statement[计] 循环语句, FOR语句
if statement[计] 如果语句
on statement接通语句
dim statementDiM 叙述
direct statement[计] 直接语句
directive statement[计] 指示语句
disable statement[计] 禁止语句, 断开语句
earnings statement[经] 收益表
ecd statement回响陈述句


1. During my closing statement? (翻译:在我做结辩时? 这不符合规程 During my closing statement?)

2. We need a statement, not a manifesto. (翻译:我要的是火力演示 不是全国通告 We need a statement, not a manifesto.)

3. The statement of cash flows is usually the last pro forma statement prepared. (翻译:现金流量表通常是最后编制的预计决算表。)

4. - If you only knew where to start. (翻译:他是不是说了一句话 {\3cH202020}And was there one statement of his)

5. Make a time to come down to the station and give a formal statement. (翻译:找时间来警局录份口供 Make a time to come down to the station and give a formal statement.)

6. Avias air released a brief statement saying... (翻译:艾威亚斯航空公司在公开声明中说道 Avias air released a brief statement saying...)

7. It's just easier for everybody. (翻译:这份是对粉丝的声明 This is a statement to my fans.)

8. Mr. Chairman, my client does not wish to make a statement. (翻译:my client does not wish to make a statement.)

9. The FORALL statement repeats another statement for each of the elements in an array. (翻译:forall语句为阵列中的每一个元素重复另外一个语句。)

10. Seems to be a fashion statement around here. (翻译:Mm -hmm. Seems to be a fashion statement around here.)

11. "today issued a statement denying the Bureau was involved.." (翻译:『今日发表正式声明否认』 ...today issued a statement denying the Bureau was involved...)

12. You had to make a political statement. (翻译:你还要发表宣言 You had to make a political statement.)

13. What about my closing statement? (翻译:我的结辩陈词怎么办? What about my closing statement?)

14. Mao Zhang just agreed to make a statement. (翻译:Mao Zhang just agreed to make a statement.)

15. I'm calling a press conference for tonight. (翻译:他们一家得做出声明 The family needs to make a statement.)



