
很好奇用英语怎么说 很好奇的英语翻译

更新时间:2023-11-01 15:57:51作者:白容

很好奇英语翻译是" Very cious",还网络中常译为" tell me about it",在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到37个与很好奇相关短语释义和例句。

All are cious Very cious of all ( 对一切都很好奇 )

He felt very cious ( 他感觉很好奇 )

很好奇用英语怎么说 很好奇的英语翻译

My fend was cious My fend was very cious ( 我朋友很好奇 )

1. i'm cious why you're so cious.

2. There is one thing i want to know.

3. Jimmy, i'm just cious, man.

4. Do you wanna hear what it's about?

5. He wanted to know a lot about us.

6. Well, we were just wondeng, actually, we were cious about...uh...

7. There is someone who is cious.

8. Now i'm officially cious.

9. i can not it that i like you.

10. Kinda anxious to get to it are ya?

11. Maybe they were just cious.

12. - Ttles are amazing to me.

