
pith helmet是什么意思 pith helmet的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-11-01 13:17:37作者:Angel゛傲气一世

Pith helmet是一种由轻质植物纤维制成的帽子,通常是或探险家在热带地区使用的。它的词性是名词。


pith helmet是什么意思 pith helmet的中文翻译、读音、例句

- wear a pith helmet(戴上一顶pith helmet)

- a leather the pith helmet(pith helmet上的皮带)

- a khaki pith helmet(卡其色的pith helmet)

在发音拼写上,pith helmet的“pith”发音类似于“皮斯”,而“helmet”则发音类似于“海尔梅特”。


1. He wore a pith helmet to block the sun while exploring the jungle.(他戴了一顶pith helmet探索丛林以遮阳。)

2. The army soldiers were issued pith helmets to protect them from the sun.(被配发了pith helmet来保护他们免受阳光的伤害。)

3. The leather the pith helmet helps to keep it in place on windy days.(pith helmet上的皮带可以帮助在刮风的日子里保持帽子的位置。)

4. The safari guide wore a khaki pith helmet and binoculars around his neck.(野生动物园导游戴着卡其色的pith helmet,在脖子上挂着望远镜。)

5. With a pith helmet and machete in hand, the explorer set out to discover new species in the rainforest.(探险家手握pith helmet和砍刀,前往雨林探索新物种。)


读音:[p hlmt]


1. The explorer wore a pith helmet to protect his head from the sun.


2. The safari guide handed out pith helmets to the tourists before they started the tour.


pith helmet的中文解释是"太阳帽",在英美地区还有"木髓制的"的意思,发音是[p helmit],pith helmet来源于英语,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到77个与pith helmet相关的例句。

Pith helmet的释义


例句:Peel the oranges, removing the white pith and slice into 4mm slices. (鲜橙剥皮,撕去白色经络,切成4毫米厚片。)


例句:Vader's flared out helmet is no longer a samurai look but now a more Prussian spiked helmet. (维德怒气冲冲的头盔,不再象是一个日本武士的头盔样式,而是一个更象普鲁士人带穗的头盔。)


pith helmet一般作为名词使用,如在helmet(头盔 )、embryonic pith(胚髓)、elder pith([医] 接骨木髓)等常见短语中出现较多。

embryonic pith胚髓
elder pith[医] 接骨木髓
fill with pith长满了木髓
fine pith小节距
hollow pith髓腔
horn pith角髓
lamellated pith层状髓心
medullary pith中心髓


1. And enterprises of great pith and moment, with this regard their currents turn awry... and lose the name of action. (翻译:本来可以做出伟大的事业 由于思虑就化为乌有了 丧失了行动的能力)

2. They started a public campaign that says, "A walking helmet is a good helmet." (翻译:他们发起一个公益活动 口号是:“步行专用头盔是个好头盔” )

3. The helmet protected the frontal and temporal bone, but the base of the helmet snapped back, causing severe trauma to the cerebellum. (翻译:头盔保护了额骨和颞骨 但头盔的底部反弹回来 造成小脑的严重损伤)

4. I went upstairs to complain and was met by an elephant in a crash helmet! (翻译:我上楼去抱怨 结果开门的是只大象,还戴着头盔)

5. Fruit wall: it consisted of pericarp, pulp and pith. (翻译:果壁:果壁可分为果皮、果肉和果心三部分。)

6. Hermia, the teleportation helmet, please, darling? (翻译:Hermia 带上瞬间传输头盔 请 亲爱的 {\1cHF0F0F0}{\3cH202020}Hermia, the teleportation helmet, please, darling?)

7. The helmet worked, ketchup worked great. (翻译:番茄酱立功了 Ketchup worked great.)

8. 210 and you throw in the Iron Man helmet. (翻译:二百一 再送个《钢铁侠》里的头盔 210 and you throw in the Iron Man helmet.)

9. You might wanna put on your helmet for this one. (翻译:You might wanna put on your helmet for this one. 你最好带上钢盔)

10. The equipment consists of G suit, jerkin, helmet and mask. (翻译:本装备由抗荷裤、代偿背心、头盔和面罩组成。)

11. Is that a turtle in a racing helmet? (翻译:是一个戴着赛车头盔的乌龟吗 Is that a turtle in a racing helmet?)

12. The question now will be if this new, random helmet now becomes Coma's lucky helmet. (翻译:现在的问题是这项豁 随机挑选的头盔 能不能成为科幸运头盔)

13. Morpher is a bike helmet made from plastics. (翻译:Morpher 是一种由塑料制成的自行车头盔。)

14. And enterprises of great pith and moment, With this regard their Currants ture away, And loose the name of Action. (翻译:伟大的事业在这一种考虑之下,也会逆流而退,失去了行动的意义。)

15. As soon as I can find my helmet. (翻译:- Why did I quit again? - See you out there! 我马上就能找到我的头盔了 {\1cH00FFFF}{\3cH202020}Soon as I can find my...)


pith helmet作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有s、pith、helmets等。

