
melt away是什么意思 melt away的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-10-29 20:05:39作者:散场情节

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melt away是什么意思 melt away的中文翻译、读音、例句

'Melt away'是一个多义词短语,它可以有以下三个方面的解释:

1. 意思是融化或消失。 在这个意义上,'melt away'常常描述物体或物质的状态,它可以指冰雪、雪花、糖果、蜡烛或脂肪等物体的消失或融化。

2. 意思是消散或消失。 在这个意义上,'melt away'通常指感情、困难或问题消失或减轻。它可以描述压力、恐惧、担忧、欲望等消失或减轻的过程。

3. 意思是迅速地消失。 在这个意义上,'melt away'描述的是事物在非常短的时间内消失的过程。它通常用于描述小数目、小小的东西或痕迹。


1. The snowman melted away in the sun. (雪人在阳光下融化了)

2. Her fears melted away when she realized she had ped the exam. (当她意识到她通过了考试时,她的恐惧就消失了)

3. The tension in the room melted away as soon as the speaker started with a joke. (当演讲者讲了个笑话,房间里的紧张气氛就消失了)

4. The ice cream melted away in the heat of the summer. (冰激凌在夏天的热量下融化了)

5. The last traces of the stain melted away when the cleaner applied the right solution. (当清洁工使用了正确的溶液时,污渍的最后痕迹消失了)

melt away的中文翻译:融化,消散

读音:melt we


1. As the sun rose, the fog began to melt away.


2. His stress melted away as he listened to the soothing music.


3. The snowman slowly melted away in the warm sunshine.


melt away在中文中有"融化、融化或溶解而消失"的意思,其中文解释还有"融化掉"的意思,读音为[meltaway],melt away来源于英语,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到70个与melt away相关的句子。

Melt away的释义


例句:- But it always blows away. (-But it always blows away.)


例句:To watch him melt away before my eyes, consumed by dreams of fire and blood... (我眼看着他在一步步地走向毁灭, To watch him melt away before my eyes, 被梦想所吞噬 consumed by dreams 对火与血的梦想...)


例句:But what we can see is, by month six, the tumor has responded and it's begun to melt away. (但是我们看到,第六个月 肿瘤就有了变化 开始缩小 )


例句:Hardly. Besides,eli is a very experienced grief counselor, And he wants to learn,so let him melt the ice queen. (翻译:就算吧 Hardly. so let him melt the ice queen. who does he go to?)


melt away一般作为名词使用,如在melt(熔化 )、melt in(在…中融〔溶〕化; 溶解于(某液体))、melt into(化为, 因心软而...)等常见短语中出现较多。

melt in在…中融〔溶〕化; 溶解于(某液体)
melt into化为, 因心软而...
melt with遇热融化; 因…软化
to melt[网络] 融化;溶化;熔化
will awayn. 遗嘱
doped melt掺杂的熔体
drip melt滴熔法(电子轰击熔炼法)


1. But what we can see is, by month six, the tumor has responded and it's begun to melt away. (翻译:但是我们看到,第六个月 肿瘤就有了变化 开始缩小 )

2. Hardly. Besides,eli is a very experienced grief counselor, And he wants to learn,so let him melt the ice queen. (翻译:就算吧 Hardly. so let him melt the ice queen. who does he go to?)

3. Your metal will heat, turn red, and you will melt away until you are nothing. (翻译:你的金属加热会变红 你将会融化得无影无踪)

4. But we also hadn't pretended that our differences were just going to melt away after a lunch. (翻译:们也不必假装 彼此间的差异会随着午餐而 消失不见。)

5. Hunter, Hunter, OK, talk to me! AMBER: (翻译:- Stay away from me!)

6. It's so thin that it could melt away almost entirely in the summertime, and that includes the ice at the North Pole. (翻译:薄到在夏天时几乎可以完全融化 这也包括北极点的冰层)

7. All hands will be feeble and every human heart will melt. (翻译:所有人收都必软弱 人心都必消化 All hands will be feeble and every human heart will melt.)

8. And the heavens will melt... (翻译:And the heavens will melt... 你有什么期盼的?)

9. The heavens will open and the heavenly bodies will melt... (翻译:天开了 The heavens will open 有形质的都要被烈火熔化... and the heavenly bodies will melt...)

10. They melt to form ionic liquids. (翻译:它们熔化去形成离子液体。)

11. My body seems to melt away (翻译:我的身躯似将融化 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}My body seems to melt away)

12. The ice is beginning to melt. (翻译:冰开始融化了。)

13. Nuclear, the time lag alone will allow the Arctic to melt and other places to melt more. (翻译:如果你选择核能,随着时间的流逝, 北极将逐渐融化,而其他地域冰川的融化将更加严重。)

14. ♪ The evening sleeps away ♪ (翻译:♪ The evening sleeps away ♪)

15. Sometimes talking and listening and feeling understood is all that's needed to help a child's frustration begain melt away . (翻译:有时交谈,聆听和理解是需要的,有助于帮助孩子消除挫折。)

