
lark是什么意思 lark的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-10-29 10:17:41作者:青笙挽歌

1. 词性:'lark' 可以是一个名词或者动词。作为名词,它指的是一种阔嘴鸟,或者指一件开心的事情。作为动词,它指的是早起或者寻找乐趣。

lark是什么意思 lark的中文翻译、读音、例句


- We saw a lark singing in the sky. (我们看到一只阔嘴鸟在天空中歌唱。)

- Going for a walk in the park is such a lark. (到公园里散步真是一件开心的事情。)

- I like to lark around with my friends. (我喜欢跟朋友们胡闹。)

2. 常见搭配:'on a lark' 意思是做一些愉快的事情,通常是不计后果地去尝试。


- Jack and Jill decided to go to Vegas on a lark. (杰克和吉尔决定去拉斯维加斯玩一趟。)

- We went skydiving on a lark and it was so much fun! (我们随便一想就去跳伞了,太好玩了!)

3. 英语俚语:'larking' 意思类似于玩耍或者胡闹。


- The children were larking around in the playground. (孩子们在操场上胡闹。)

- I saw a couple of agers larking around in the park. (我看到一对青少年在公园里玩耍。)

4. 缩写词:'LARK' 可以指的是 Language Acquisition Resource Kit,意思是语言习得资源工具包。


- Our school just got a new LARK program to help students learn English. (我们学校刚刚引入了一个新的 LARK 项目,帮助学生学习英语。)

- The LARK software includes audio and visual aids for language learners. (LARK 软件提供了音频和视觉辅助工具,帮助语言学习者。)

lark的中文翻译是云雀。读音为lk。例句:I woke up to the sound of larks singing outside my window.(我被窗外云雀的歌声吵醒了。)




例句:It helps explain why women are often up with the lark, while their partners stay slumbering long into the morning. (这就解释了为何女性经常一大清早就起床,而她们的丈夫还呼呼大睡直至日上三竿。)


例句:And don't be afraid of the dark. At the end of a storm, There's a golden sky, And the sweet silver song of a lark. (在一阵风暴的末端,有金色的天空,以及一只云雀的悦耳的银歌。)


例句:I had to have money, see? I did it the first time just as a lark. (少数小地方会失去保护区地位 Afew very small areas will losetheirspecially protected status,)


例句:The lark seemed to be a litle excited and became a little cleverer after the Hare praised her. (翻译:得到兔子的表扬,百灵鸟似乎有点儿兴奋,也似乎更聪明了一点儿。)


lark一般作为名词、动词使用,如在for a lark(为了取笑,为了开心)、have a lark(玩乐一阵)、horned lark(角百灵)等常见短语中出现较多。

for a lark为了取笑,为了开心
have a lark玩乐一阵
horned lark角百灵
lark about鬼混, 闲荡
lark around[网络] 徘徊
lark bunting【鸟类】鹨鹀(Calamospiza melanocorys)
magpie lark鹊鹨
meadow larkn. 野云雀(产于北美洲)
Mongolian lark百灵
mountain lark[网络] 山雀


1. I had to have money, see? I did it the first time just as a lark. (翻译:少数小地方会失去保护区地位 Afew very small areas will losetheirspecially protected status,)

2. The lark seemed to be a litle excited and became a little cleverer after the Hare praised her. (翻译:得到兔子的表扬,百灵鸟似乎有点儿兴奋,也似乎更聪明了一点儿。)

3. The merry lark warbles in the forest. (翻译:那只快乐的百灵鸟在树林里鸣叫。)

4. She decided to erase you almost as a lark. (翻译:一时兴起就想忘记你 She decided to erase you as a lark)

5. Now, what we got here is Lark Varney, (翻译:我们目前情况是 拉克・瓦尼 Now, what we got here is Lark Varney,)

6. "Our little lark, our darling Cosette... is eager to be with her mother, but she has a cough. (翻译:我们的小云雀 可爱的珂赛特 渴望和妈在一起 但她现在有点咳嗽)

7. When I saw it was still breathing, incredibly. I picked it up for a lark. (翻译:当我看到他还有一口气, 鬼使神差,我就这么抱起了他。)

8. I'll make sure everyone's as happy as a lark. For that's why I'm here, eh? (翻译:像百灵鸟一样开心 是我在这里的职责,对吧?)

9. Like a tender lark, you stepped into my heart, and dwelled on it ever since. (翻译:你如轻盈的百灵,跃进我的心里,从此不曾远离。)

10. You got to stay with me, Lark. (翻译:我会陪在你身边的 拉克 You got to stay with me, Lark.)

11. It seemed that I was as happy as a lark and I got myself dressed with the floral traditional cheongsam. (翻译:我快乐得象只云雀,给自己穿上一条传统特色的花旗袍。)

12. Lark will tell you about the Hatfields. (翻译:拉克会告诉你们有关哈特菲尔德一伙人的下落 Lark will tell you about the Hatfields.)

13. I can hear a lark somewhere (翻译:[I can hear a lark somewhere])

14. "Don't make a lark of me, hang it, Poyntz, " said Foker, turning red, and with tears almost in his eyes. (翻译:“去你的,波因茨,别拿我开心,”福克涨红了脸,急得眼泪都快流下来了说。)

15. He was off to a patient while the first lark of the morning carolled above . (翻译:当清晨的第一只云雀在天空啾啾时,他就动身去看一个病人了。)



