
undisputed是什么意思 undisputed的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-10-28 13:23:41作者:独守他心


undisputed是什么意思 undisputed的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. LeBron James is the undisputed superstar of the NBA.


2. The company's position as the market leader is undisputed.





例句:Donchian was the undisputed father of trend following. (唐奇安是名正言顺的趋势跟踪之父。)


例句:Himmler was in undisputed control of a virtual private empire. (希姆莱实际上无可争辩地控制着 一个属于他个人的庞大帝国)


例句:Akiba undisputed power, I think this is a true portrayal of her. (秋叶不争功,我想这就是她真实写照。)


例句:Even Rolex, the undisputed champion of Swiss watchmakers, eventually relented and started adding electronics to its timepieces. (翻译:就连瑞士毋庸置疑的手表制造商之王——劳力士,都不得不开始在其手表中添加电子部件。)


undisputed一般作为名词使用,如在undisputed fact(无可非议的事实)、undisputed facts([法] 无可非议的事实)等常见短语中出现较多。

undisputed fact无可非议的事实
undisputed facts[法] 无可非议的事实


1. Akiba undisputed power, I think this is a true portrayal of her. (翻译:秋叶不争功,我想这就是她真实写照。)

2. Even Rolex, the undisputed champion of Swiss watchmakers, eventually relented and started adding electronics to its timepieces. (翻译:就连瑞士毋庸置疑的手表制造商之王——劳力士,都不得不开始在其手表中添加电子部件。)

3. It was deleted from the official report, but it's an undisputed fact. (翻译:虽然在正规的报告书上已经删除了 但这是不可置疑的事实)

4. Even Rolex , the undisputed champion of Swiss watch makers , eventually relented and started adding electronics to its timepieces . (翻译:劳力士,无可非议的瑞士钟表业领军品牌,最终也跟随潮流开始将电子器件用于钟表制造。)

5. Now, at the same time, English is the undisputed global language. (翻译:而同时,现在 英语又无可争辩地成为全球性语言。)

6. Our...own... undisputed champion... (翻译:我们... 自己的... 毋容置疑的拳王...)

7. Just over a century ago, French would have appeared to have attained an undisputed claim to such ascendancy. (翻译:仅一个多世纪前,法语看来已经获得了对这种优势的无可争议的要求。)

8. Excuse me, Your Honor, but the undisputed facts are these. (翻译:容我说一句 法官大人 这些才是无可争辩的事实)

9. In the previous generation of golf king - the "Golden Bear" Nicklaus retired, Tiger has become today's golf industry, the undisputed king. (翻译:而在上一代的高球王者--“金熊”尼克劳斯退役之后,泰格已经成了当今高尔夫球界,无可争辩的王者。)

10. However, this claim is not undisputed, with nations like Singapore still strongly following neo-corporatist models. (翻译:不过,这种主张也存在争议,因为一些国家如新加坡依然维持大量的新社团主义架构。)

11. Not surprisingly, Mr Bush did plenty of crowing: "There is one undisputed leader in the world in terms of economy, and that's the USA. " (翻译:为此大肆渲染也不足为奇,他说:“对于经济来说,在这个世界上存在一个无可置疑的领导者,那就是美国。”)

12. The undisputed stars of the dinosaur era are animals like Triceratops and T-Rex. (翻译:侏罗纪时代的皇者 毫无疑问是三角龙与暴龙那类动物.)

13. At 78 years of age, he's still undisputed leader of his country. (翻译:xx岁时,他仍是他的国家公认的领袖。)

14. IT TOOK President Goodluck Jonathan a mere decade to go from lowly official to undisputed leader of his country. (翻译:仅仅xx年时间,GoodluckJonathan就从国家的底层成为了无可置疑的领袖。)

15. Seles won 10 tournaments, and was the undisputed world champion. (翻译:塞莱斯赢了10次锦标赛,是无异议的世界冠军。)

