
pillar是什么意思 pillar的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-10-26 01:57:44作者:甜嗑


pillar是什么意思 pillar的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义


2. 用途


- 建筑物或结构中的支撑物

- 道德或体系中的核心原则

- 企业或组织中的主要成员

- 作家或文化中的代表人物

- 某种事物的主要来源或依赖

3. 同义词


- column

- post

- upright

- support

- mainstay

4. 派生词


- pillarbox:邮筒

- pillared:有柱子支撑的

- pillarization:成各个社群

5. 中英例句


- The pillars supporting the ceiling were made of oak. (支撑天花板的柱子是橡木做的。)

- Honesty is a pillar of our society. (诚实是我们社会的支柱。)

- She was a pillar of the company, and her absence was sorely felt. (她是公司的支柱,她的离去让人痛心。)

- Shakespeare is considered a pillar of English literature. (莎士比亚被认为是英国文学的代表人物。)

- Education is one of the pillars of a healthy economy. (教育是健康经济的支柱之一。)



1. The pillars of the bridge are made of reinforced concrete.(这座桥的柱子是用钢筋混凝成的。)

2. The company's success was built on the pillars of innovation and hard work.(该公司的成功建立在创新和努力的基础上。)

3. In ancient Greece, the Olympic Games were one of the pillars of their culture.(在古希腊,奥林匹克运动会是他们文化的支柱之一。)

4. The city's skyline is dominated by the towering pillars of the cathedral.(城市的天际线被大教堂的高耸柱子所主导。)

5. He is one of the pillars of the medical community, with years of experience and a reputation for excellence.(他是医学界的支柱之一,拥有多年的经验和卓越的声誉。)

6. The factory had to be shut down when one of the pillars holding up the roof collapsed.(当支撑屋顶的柱子之一倒塌时,工厂不得不停工。)

7. The four pillars of a healthy lifestyle are diet, exercise, sleep, and stress management.(健康的生活方式有四个支柱:饮食、运动、睡眠和压力管理。)

8. The political party is trying to appeal to its traditional pillars of support.(这个政党正试图吸引其传统的支持者。)

9. The temple's inner sanctum was supported by four intricately carved pillars.(寺庙的内殿由四根精美雕刻的柱子支撑。)




1. The ancient temple is supported by huge stone pillars.


2. Education is the pillar of a prosperous society.


3. The company's success is based on the hard work of its employees, who are the pillars of the organization.





例句:Another pillar of the strategy, like Russia, is demographic. (该策略的另外一个支柱, 例如针对俄罗斯,是人口。)


例句:That's Lady Angela Hope, a pillar of Parisian society. (这是Anglea Hope女士 巴黎社交界的支柱)


例句:But news is not just a product: the press is the fourth estate, a pillar of the polity. (然而,新闻却不是一件产品,新闻产业是一个政体的第四权,是政体的支柱。)


例句:He was a pillar of the community. (翻译:他是社会的栋梁 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}He was a pillar of the community.)


pillar一般作为名词、形容词、动词使用,如在double pillar([网络] 双排柱;双列支柱)、earth pillar(un. 土柱)、door pillar([建] 门立柱)等常见短语中出现较多。

double pillar[网络] 双排柱;双列支柱
earth pillarun. 土柱
door pillar[建] 门立柱
distribution pillar配电柱
drilling pillar[机] 手摇钻柱架
feeder pillar馈电柱
fire pillar(轮窑码砖时预留的)垂直火道
front pillar前柱
frost pillar霜柱


1. But news is not just a product: the press is the fourth estate, a pillar of the polity. (翻译:然而,新闻却不是一件产品,新闻产业是一个政体的第四权,是政体的支柱。)

2. He was a pillar of the community. (翻译:他是社会的栋梁 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}He was a pillar of the community.)

3. Mr. Korbell is a community pillar. (翻译:Korbell先生是社区的顶梁柱 Mr. Korbell is a community pillar.)

4. All right, so this here... is the pillar that I want to remove. (翻译:好的,就是这儿了... 这就是要移开的那根柱子)

5. And the LORD appeared in the tabernacle in a pillar of a cloud: and the pillar of the cloud stood over the door of the tabernacle. (翻译:在会幕里云柱中显现,云柱停在会幕门以上。)

6. Or is this that comes like a pillar of smoke... out of the wilderness... perfumed with myrrh and frankincense? (翻译:到底是谁... 如荒野中的一缕青烟 散发着没药树与乳香的芬芳)

7. How long have you dreamt of molding Persia into a pillar of learning and culture? (翻译:你一直希望将波斯建成学术 与文化中心,不是吗?)

8. John put on his harness and attached it to a pillar. (翻译:约翰戴上了安全带,并把它系在了一根柱子上。)

9. I don't want my body ending up at any of them. (翻译:我刚刚和Pillar总管通过电话 I just got off the phone with Deputy Director Pillar.)

10. Here's a tiny, little vent that's come out of the side of that pillar. (翻译:这里有一个很小的出口在那个很大的柱子上。)

11. Legs, with their framework of bone support it like a living pillar (翻译:月退由骨头构成支架 就像活动柱子支撑着它)

12. Now, the fourth pillar of meaning, I've found, tends to surprise people. (翻译:第四个构成意义的支柱, 让人意想不到。)

13. Bree has been a pillar of the fairview community for many years. (翻译:许多年来 Bree一直是美景镇社区的顶梁柱)

14. "Manufacturing is Dongguan's pillar industry, " Li Yuquan said. (翻译:“制造业是东莞的支柱产业,”东莞市长李毓全表示。)

15. Manfully cling to the pillar of Patience. (翻译:男子般气概的你会紧握忍耐的支柱。)



