
guru是什么意思 guru的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-10-25 15:14:44作者:浅薇安

guru是什么意思 guru的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. 词源历史:作为英语老师,可以通过研究“guru”这个单词的词源、历史和文化背景,帮助学生更好地理解和掌握这个词汇。比如,讲解“guru”在印度文化中的传统意义,以及如何在其它文化中演变成了“行业权威”、“专家”等含义。

2. 应用场景:作为英语老师,可以帮助学生理解“guru”这个词汇在不同场合中的应用。例如,在商业领域中,可以用它来形容一位拥有卓越管理技能的企业家或领导者;在技术领域中,可以用它来形容一位拥有深厚技术背景的程序员或工程师。

3. 文化内涵:作为英语老师,可以通过探究“guru”这个词汇的文化内涵,帮助学生更好地理解这个单词的背景、含义和用法。比如,在印度文化中,一位“guru”被视为一位灵性上的领袖,可以帮助人们实现内心平静和精神成长;而在西方文化中,一个“guru”则可能更多地被人们视为一位商业或专业领域的成功人士。


1. She's a guru of digital marketing, and her advice has helped our company grow exponentially. 她是数字营销方面的专家,她的建议帮助我们的公司呈现指数级增长。

2. He's been my guru in the field of software engineering, and I've learned so much from his mentorship. 他是我在软件工程领域的导师,我从他的指导中学到了很多。

3. The yoga guru led us through a series of poses and breathing exercises to help us achieve a sense of calm and inner peace. 瑜伽大师引导我们进行一系列的姿势和呼吸练习,帮助我们达到内心平静和内心和谐的感觉。

4. As a guru of gourmet cuisine, he has created some of the most innovative and delicious dishes I've ever tasted. 作为美食大师,他创造了一些我曾经品尝过的最具创新性和美味的菜肴。

5. She's become somewhat of a fashion guru among her friends, and they often look to her for style tips and fashion advice. 她在朋友中间已经成为了时尚大师,他们经常向她寻求风格建议和时尚建议。



1. My yoga guru taught me how to properly meditate.(我的瑜伽导师教我怎样正确打坐。)

2. She follows the advice of her financial gureligiously.(她恪守她财务导师的建议。)

3. The startup company brought in a marketing guru to help them promote their product.(这家初创公司请来了一位市场营销大师来推广他们的产品。)

4. The cooking guru's recipes are always a hit at the dinner party.(这位烹饪专家的食谱总是在晚宴上备受欢迎。)

5. The management guru’s book became a best-seller overnight.(这位管理专家的书一夜之间成了畅销书。)

6. Many people consider Steve Jobs to be a guru of the tech industry.(很多人认为史蒂夫•乔布斯是科技行业的大师。)

7. The personal development guru’s speeches inspire millions of people around the world.(这位个人成长导师的演讲激励了全球数百万人。)

8. The fashion guru's recommendations always set the trend for next season.(这位时尚专家的建议总是预示了下一季的时尚趋势。)

9. The fitness guru's workout regime is intense, but effective.(这位健身专家的锻炼计划很紧凑,但效果显著。)





1. He is regarded as a guru in the field of finance. (在金融领域,他被视为大师)

2. The guru gave me some advice on how to meditate. (那位导师给了我一些冥想的建议)

3. She went to India to seek guidance from a spiritual guru. (她前往印度寻求一位灵性导师的指导)




例句:You are my best friend my highest guru and my sovereign lord. (你是我的挚友 最高的导师 和至高无上的主人)


例句:The day is called 'Hari Guru' in Malaysia and is a working day. (在马来西亚,这一天被称为“哈日宗师”,同时这也是马来西亚的一个正常工作日。)


例句:In the Vajrayana, we have the guru as the reminder, and also what we remember. (在金刚乘中,上师是我们的提示者,也是我们所要忆念的。)


例句:performance guru Steve Souders has a page dedicated to mobile performance tools. (翻译:移动应用正日益受到重视,性能大师Steve Souders有一个网页就是致力于移动性能工具的。)


guru一般作为名词使用,如在fashion guru(时装领袖,时装泰斗)、Guru Granth([网络] 格朗氏)、Guru Nanak([网络] 那纳克;圣人那纳克;古鲁那纳克)等常见短语中出现较多。

fashion guru时装领袖,时装泰斗
Guru Granth[网络] 格朗氏
Guru Nanak[网络] 那纳克;圣人那纳克;古鲁那纳克
guru nanaks[网络] 那纳克;圣人那纳克;古鲁那纳克\n(guru nanak 的复数)
Guru Sikhar[地名] 古鲁西卡尔峰 ( 印 )
style guru[网络] 形象顾问;时尚专家
Web guru[网络] 网络古鲁
Guru Granth Sahib[网络] 锡金圣典;锡克教圣典;本初经


1. In the Vajrayana, we have the guru as the reminder, and also what we remember. (翻译:在金刚乘中,上师是我们的提示者,也是我们所要忆念的。)

2. performance guru Steve Souders has a page dedicated to mobile performance tools. (翻译:移动应用正日益受到重视,性能大师Steve Souders有一个网页就是致力于移动性能工具的。)

3. Disappear! Leave your guru's parampara alone. (翻译:如果你们向他行礼致敬的话, 你们将会受到限制)

4. Millionaire dietary guru Brad Shelford's book. (翻译:百万富翁兼减肥指导师 Brad Shelford的新书)

5. UPT is a great book for any UNIX user, beginner or guru. (翻译:UPT对于任何UNIX用户来说都是一本好书,不管您是新手还是专家。)

6. Your guru hasn't done anything of merit since Pierrotle Fou. (翻译:自从《狂人皮埃罗》后 你的祖师爷没有拍出任何有价值的)

7. We're in a culture of guru-ship. (翻译:我们正在大师舰上的文化。我们很难运用一些软件。)

8. Media guru Yang Lan raises money for Specia. (翻译:传媒大腕杨澜为特奥会筹资。)

9. Just a few hundred members and a promising young guru named Bret Stiles. (翻译:就几百个人 和一个前途无量的 年轻领袖 叫做Bret Stiles)

10. It marks "a real milestone in public accountability, " says Andreas Schleicher, an OECD education guru. (翻译:经合组织的教育专家安德烈亚斯•施莱彻说,这标志着“公众问责上的真正里程碑”。)

11. The popular press tends to represent him as an environmental guru. (翻译:大众媒体倾向于把他描绘成环保领袖。)

12. The nearest thing the Camerons have to a guru. (翻译:最幸运的事情是卡梅伦的阵营有一位指导者。)

13. That's right. Guru, Yasuo, Snake... ...StrawberryGirl, OdaYuuji! (翻译:对啊,家元,安男,斯内库 草莓,织田裕二)

14. Kenichi Ohmae, a Japanese business guru, published "The Borderless World" and "The End of the Nation State" . (翻译:日本的商业专家KenichiOhmae写了《无边界的世界》与《国家的终结》两本书。)

15. Well, if you decide to buy, better you than some guru and his cult. (翻译:如果是你们决定要买 总好过被某个狂人和他的信徒们买下)



