
justsoso是什么意思 justsoso的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-10-22 20:05:47作者:白茶

justsoso是什么意思 justsoso的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义方面:'justsoso'通常被用来形容某事或某人的表现平平,不好也不坏。

2. 用法方面:'justsoso'可以作为形容词或副词使用,表示中等或平庸的程度或水平。

3. 口语化方面:'justsoso'属于口语化用语,在正式场合或学术文体中不宜使用。

4. 含义方面:'justsoso'的含义有点类似于'ordinary'、'average'或'mediocre',但更加轻松和随意。


1. 这家餐厅的菜品就一般般,可以说是justsoso。

2. 他的演讲平淡无奇,感觉就是justsoso。

3. 这部电影评价不高,我也觉得只是justsoso。

4. 她的口才还可以,说话略显justsoso。

5. 他的成绩一直都很中庸,总是justsoso。


1. The food at this restaurant is justsoso, neither good nor bad.

2. His speech was lacker, it felt justsoso.

3. The movie got r reviews and I thought it was justsoso.

4. She has decent speaking skills but her delivery is justsoso.

5. His grades have always been average, always justsoso.


读音:j so so


1. 这个饭店的菜品味道不错,但是价钱有点 justsoso。

Translation: The food in this restaurant tastes good, but the price is just okay.

2. 他的表现在赛场上只能算是 justsoso,离冠军还有一定差距。

Translation: His performance on the field is just okay, far from the champion level.




例句:It just so happens that... (说来真是巧 It just so happens that...)


1. So just consider that for a moment. (翻译:所以 你考虑一下吧 So just consider that for a moment.)

2. I just love this painting so much. (翻译:我实在太爱这幅画了 I just love this painting so much.)

3. "And so the conundrum remained just that. (翻译:这个谜团仍然没能解开 And so the conundrum remained just that.)

4. I mean, you know, you can just imagine him moving around. (翻译:- that lincoln is so lifelike. you can just imagine him moving around.)

5. So you just think and it moves? (翻译:So you just think and it moves?)

6. Oh, I just love him so much. (翻译:我只是太爱他了 Oh, I just love him so much.)

7. I just feel so terrible about this. (翻译

8. Just because some blonde dunce says so. (翻译:我们就逮捕他吧 Just because some blonde dunce says so.)

9. Well, she did just have a baby, so... (翻译:Well, she did just have a baby, so...)

10. So we just sat there and just talked. (翻译:So we just sat there and just talked.)

11. ~ Used to be so good and so bad ~ (翻译:# Used to be so good and so bad #)

12. ♪ And singing about them is just so much fun ♪ (翻译:歌唱它们如此欢乐开怀 And singing about them is just so much fun)

13. So I guess I could just go. (翻译:那 我就走了 So I guess I could just go.)

14. Just one would be so boring (翻译:# 只走一条会很无聊 # # Just one would be so boring #)

15. ♪ so I just give my best to my friends. (翻译:♪ so I just give my best to my friends.)

