
微血栓用英语怎么说 微血栓的英语翻译

更新时间:2023-10-21 21:32:48作者:黑毛茎长


1. This study did not investigate effective prntive meases against DVT and VTE.

微血栓用英语怎么说 微血栓的英语翻译


2. And that of the prntion-gup was 242, 3 patients suffered fm thmbosis of lower extremity.


3. A stke, a sudden emboli or lightning... You know i...

4. The Antithmbotic Effect of Hepan of Low Mole-cular Weight

5. Arteal thmboses are far common in the brain than venous thmboses (by a ratio of about 100 to 1).


6. Now, eets, who's eeting?

7. To see if there's any blockage.

8. Meanwhile,some aspin will thin the blood and avoid clotting.

9. i will unfend you on Weibo, Facebook, instagrm, and WeChat!

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10. Abnormal dopaminergic pathways in the brain do not cse blood clots.

11. The clotting studies so far are normal.

12. You are allergic to penicillin, crently on blood thinners

13. A thmbus can Block Blood flow at the point of clot formation or Break free to Block it elsewhere (emboli).

