
handgun是什么意思 handgun的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-10-21 19:07:49作者:南歌初妤


handgun是什么意思 handgun的中文翻译、读音、例句


词组搭配:carry a handgun(携带),brandish a handgun(挥舞),load a handgun(装弹)




1. He pulled out his handgun and threatened to shoot anyone who got in his way.


2. The police officer drew his handgun as he approached the suspicious vehicle.


3. The murderer was armed with a loaded handgun when he was apprehended by the authorities.


4. The soldier was trained in the use of various types of weapons, including the handgun.


5. The criminal used a stolen handgun to commit the robbery.





1. He pulled out his handgun and fired at the target.(他拿出对着目标开火。)

2. It is illegal to carry a loaded handgun in public.(在公共场合携带带的是的。)

3. The police officer drew his handgun and aimed it at the suspect.(拔出对准嫌疑犯。)




例句:And the one good-for-nothing left standing, the one with the handgun -- yeah, he laughs. (那个站在左边的混混 那个拿着的混混 是的他笑了。)


例句:If you do the calculations on the ballistics, on the stopping power of the rock fired from David's sling, it's roughly equal to the stopping power of a [.45 caliber] handgun. (如果你根据弹道学的理论去计算 大卫投出的那个石头的制动能力 基本上相当于 一把口径为0.45的 )


例句:The rifling on the .38 slug they dug out ofthe victim... is consistent with a Webley, a very old, turn-of-the-century handgun. (被害者身上挖出来的点38 证实是古老的韦伯利的)


例句:He had a handgun in his backpack, unloaded, thank gosh. (翻译:他的背包里放了一把 He had a handgun in his backpack, 没有上膛 谢天谢地 unloaded, thank gosh.)


1. The rifling on the .38 slug they dug out ofthe victim... is consistent with a Webley, a very old, turn-of-the-century handgun. (翻译:被害者身上挖出来的点38 证实是古老的韦伯利的)

2. He had a handgun in his backpack, unloaded, thank gosh. (翻译:他的背包里放了一把 He had a handgun in his backpack, 没有上膛 谢天谢地 unloaded, thank gosh.)

3. How's a guy that's so broke afford a $1500 handgun? (翻译:这么穷的人怎么付得起一支 1500元的?)

4. A boyish-looking waiter speculated that if the gunman had really used a 9mm handgun, he must have had an accomplice. (翻译:一个看上去还是个大男孩的侍者推测如果这个开枪者真的用了一把9毫米口径的,那么他肯定有一个同谋。)

5. The guy I fought had a handgun chambered for rifle ammunition,so it shreds kevlar. (翻译:和我搏斗那人里装备了 足以穿透防弹衣)

6. Captain Danko, you are now the proud owner of the most powerful handgun in the world. (翻译:德可上校 现在你手上拿 的是世界上最强的枪)

7. Glock 17's the most sophisticated handgun ever made. (翻译:Glock 17 年代最复杂的 曾经制造了。)

8. They were burglarized the week prior, so he gave her his handgun for protection. (翻译:之前一周他们曾被打劫过 他把那给她以做防身)

9. A monthly pattern, a. 45 caliber handgun, and a grudge against the police. (翻译:除了为期一个月的作案周期 一把口径点四五的 还有对作案的针对性)

10. Oh, um, Officers, before we go, you might want to check this guy's pockets for, I don't know, a handgun! (翻译:警官 走之前 也许你们想检查一下那人的口袋 也许有!)

11. Mrs. Rogan, we can protect you a lot better than dead bolts... wrought iron doors and a handgun. (翻译:Rogan 太太, 我们能保护你 很多比死闩住的更好。)

12. Then Theo put a handgun into O'Malley's mouth... and fired three times. (翻译:然后瑟奥放了一支在马里的嘴巴里 开了三枪)

13. You know, the guy was driving around with almost $2 million in cash, and he had a handgun. (翻译:那家伙拉着 200万美金满街跑 身上还有枪)

14. He was invited to a robbery, he was given a 9mm handgun. (翻译:他被邀请加入一场, 他被给予了一把九毫米, )

15. - In fact, you don't even own a handgun, do you? (翻译:- 龟 ⊿も箦 琌盾?)



