
checklist是什么意思 checklist的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-10-08 16:41:15作者:青灯古寺


checklist是什么意思 checklist的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. make a checklist: 制定清单

2. use a checklist: 使用清单

3. follow a checklist: 遵循清单

4. check off items on a checklist: 在清单上勾选项目

短语:check list (两个单词合并而成)。



1. I always make a checklist before I go to the grocery store.(在去杂货店之前,我总是会制定一份清单。)

2. The flight attendant followed the safety checklist before takeoff.(飞机乘务员在起飞前遵循了安全清单。)

3. The HR department uses a checklist to ensure they have completed all necessary tasks for new employee onboarding.(人力资源部门使用清单以确保完成了新员工入职的所有必要任务。)

4. The hotel provided us with a checklist of amenities available in the room.(酒店向我们提供了一份客房内可用设施的清单。)

5. The pilot checked off all items on the pre-flight checklist before taking off.(机长在起飞前勾选了所有的预飞清单项目。)




1. Before leaving for the trip, I made a checklist of things to pack.


2. The pilot went through his pre-flight checklist before taking off.


3. Our team uses a checklist to ensure that all necessary steps are taken during the project.





例句:And indeed, the man checks the checklist eventually, and he found my name, and he let us inside. (当然,最终他还是核对了名单, 并找到了我的名字,让我们进去了。)


例句:And then for the first time, on any dive, I'm through my checklist. (有史以来第一次 我首度在下潜时完成清单事项)


例句:To help understand bad medicine, here's a handy checklist to help you tune your quack-o-meter. (为了了解不良药物 下列清单可协助各位判断)


例句:We report this case and also review the literature, and then we suggest a checklist for aplasia cutis congenita. (翻译:我们报告此一病例,并整理文献列出一个清单,用以处理先天性表皮发育不全之作业流程。)


checklist一般作为名词使用,如在hare checklist(海尔(病态人格)检核表)、interview checklist(晤谈检核表)、prestart checklist(起动前检查单)等常见短语中出现较多。

hare checklist海尔(病态人格)检核表
interview checklist晤谈检核表
prestart checklist起动前检查单
takeoff checklist起飞检查表
mooney problem checklist孟氏行为困扰调查表
security compliance checklist安全遵循核对清单
self rating checklist自我评量检核表


1. To help understand bad medicine, here's a handy checklist to help you tune your quack-o-meter. (翻译:为了了解不良药物 下列清单可协助各位判断)

2. We report this case and also review the literature, and then we suggest a checklist for aplasia cutis congenita. (翻译:我们报告此一病例,并整理文献列出一个清单,用以处理先天性表皮发育不全之作业流程。)

3. On a New Checklist of the Anopheline Mosquitoes in China with Rectification for Some Specific Names; (翻译:对我国栽培的几种食用菌错误的品种名称和使用不规范的名称进行了订正。)

4. A checklist of things you might try if you got stuck. (翻译:列表上写着当你创意枯竭的时候 你可以尝试做的事。)

5. Let's review the checklist. (翻译:我们来回顾一下清单。)

6. And you don't look like a crazy guy; you're a Swiss airline pilot, so you're rather a checklist kind of guy. (翻译:你看起来不像疯狂的家伙,你是瑞士飞行员。所以你是很仔细的人 )

7. Going through the same checklist: human environmental impacts? (翻译:同样用我的“五点架构”法来检验。第一点:人类对环境的影响。)

8. Welcome back and forgive me if I wade in but forgetting for a second your bureaucratic checklist I'm trying to get undigested information. (翻译:但是暂时忘记你那冗长官僚的查对表 我试着在理解未经消化的信息)

9. But you have nine out of 10 of the necessary attributes on my checklist. (翻译:只是在我清单上的 十项必备条件中你具备九项)

10. And no one realized that it was just a training tape until the United States had gone into this sort of frenzied checklist procedure to prepare for nuclear war. (翻译:没有人知道 那只是一盘训练磁带 直到美国进入)

11. I know what it is to be capable and beautiful and ambitious and be on people like Sergey and Larry's checklist of things that look good to have on a shelf. (翻译:一个有能力 有野心的美丽女性 能让Sergey和Larry想争取过来 摆在书架上给自己长脸 谷歌创始人)

12. There's like a hundred more things on my internal checklist. (翻译:这种事都都提醒你千百编,可你从来就没在呼过)

13. OK, I took the liberty of writing up a checklist, if you could read it over carefully, please. (翻译:OK,我冒昧 写了一个清单, 如果你能仔细读它, 请。)

14. In fact, in our launch checklist we had to ensure that the unlock code was set to all zeros before we completed the launch sequence. (翻译:事实上 在发射检查单中 我们必须得确保 在我们完成发射序列之前)

15. I have a checklist, too. Each year I don't find the man of my dreams, (翻译:我也有这么一个择偶标准 每渡过找不到意中人的xx年)

