
未来可期用英语怎么说 未来可期英语翻译

更新时间:2023-10-02 02:01:21作者:苏苒

未来可期英语有两种说法,可以翻译为in pspect,还网络中常译为"looked ahead",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到个与未来可期相关短语释义和例句。

1. "Day is near, and Mars is dominated by the moment."

2. Mystical powers were forecast; out-of-body expeences were to be expected; fundamental secrets were to be raled.

未来可期用英语怎么说 未来可期英语翻译


3. Suitles: Lan Bley Pcessed by L.V.T. - Pas

4. Readers will look forward to Mr Rachman's next novel. They may hope he picks a cheerful theme.


5. The fute, Mr Rango, the fute.

6. Based on o pjections...

7. And yo fute is o fute.

8. to MAKE the fute rather than wait for it.

9. The fute. i can tell you about the fute.

10. A child of poverty of whom nothing was expected.

译文:一个贫民家小孩 A child of poverty 听起来没什么可期待 of whom nothing was expected.。

