
flowstate是什么意思 flowstate的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-10-01 19:39:22作者:效死者

flowstate是什么意思 flowstate的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义: Flowstate可以被定义为一种最佳情境下的注意力状态,这种状态可以使人投入到一项活动中,并且能够忘记时间和周围的环境。通常在这样的状态下,人们能够更加专注和高效地完成任务。


- The athlete was in a state of flow during the competition, able to perform at his best without any distractions.

- When working on his art, he enters a flow state where he loses track of time and everything around him.

2. 来源: Flowstate源自于心理学领域的Flow理论,该理论是由匈牙利心理学家米哈伊契克森米哈伊 (Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi) 在20世纪中期提出的,被广泛应用于运动、艺术和工作领域。


- Many athletes have recognized the importance of flowstate in improving their performance and achieving success.

- Employers have started to realize that enabling employees to enter a state of flow can lead to greater productivity and job satisfaction.

3. 应用: Flowstate已经成为一个受欢迎的概念,被应用于各种领域,如音乐、艺术、运动和工作等,而且已经成为诸如冥想、写作和其他创造性活动的主题。


- The musician was able to achieve a state of flow while performing, allowing him to connect with the music and the audience.

- The writer entered a state of flow while working on her novel, allowing her creativity to flow freely onto the page.

4. 相关术语: Flowstate与其他心理学术语密切相关,如自我实现、兴趣爱好、内在动机和人类幸福感等。


- The sense of accomplishment and happiness that comes with entering a state of flow is a key component of human well-being.

- For many people, engaging in activities that lead to flowstate is the ultimate expression of their interests and pions.

5. 心理效应: Flowstate有许多心理效应,包括增加自我意识和感官体验、提高创造力和创新能力、增强动力和信心,并帮助人们克服自我怀疑和消极思维。


- By entering a state of flow, the artist was able to unleash her full creative potential and produce a masterpiece.

- The athlete's ability to achieve flowstate helped him overcome the mental hurdles that had been holding him back.

流畅状态,读音为 "flstet"。


1. 在进入流畅状态之前,我需要一些时间静下心来。

2. 他们之中的许多人在创作时都试图达到流畅状态。


Flowstate refers to a state of being in the flow, a mental state characterized by complete absorption in an activity. It requires intense focus and is often ociated with a sense of effortless and enjoyable performance. Many people strive to achieve a flow state when working on creative projects.

